You are (so)beautiful to me (13)

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A/N: Sorry for the longer wait. Just kinda preferred to read other stories myself in the past week...and was super busy as well.

After the last rather sad chap here you go with a bit of Zarry fluff enjoy! :)

Harry's POV

I knew Zayn and I had almost spend the entire weekend together, but I already wanted to see him again.

This time I was standing in front of Zayn's dorm again, the only difference now that I was knocking at my boyfriend's dorm not just some random guy I met at a club... Zayn really was my boyfriend. For some reason that's just too good to be true. But hey, I wasn't complaining.

I knocked lightly at the door, when I heard some shuffling and a few seconds later the door was opened by a guy, I was it assuming to be Liam.

"Oh hey you must be Harry right?", he questioned.

"And you're Liam right?", I replied, shaking his out held hand and gave him a smile, wanting to make a good first impression since he was Zayn's best friend.

"And your assumption would be correct", he politely responded, "well I'm gonna go now. Nice to meet you. See ya Zayn", he waved his goodbye and was gone.

Zayn, who had been quietly sitting on the bed, was now approaching me. He looked a bit different than usual, hurt? Broken? Or maybe he was just tired and I was imagining things...

"You alright?", I worriedly asked, intertwining his fingers with mine.

But Zayn didn't give me a proper reply or maybe he did but not through words.

His lips were crashing down onto mine, while his hands were letting go of mine and started travelling up my sides. I barely was able to keep up with his tempo, he kissed so hungrily as if he needed it and I just surrendered, letting him take control and kiss me so hard that I felt lightheaded.

Before I knew it I was pushed onto the bed with Zayn hovering above me, our lips not parting once.

And when they finally did, he just stared down on me, his eyes were clouded, and he must be feeling as dizzy as I did.

"Hey there", I nervously greeted him now that we were in this intimate position.

"Hey babe." Babe. I liked that.

"Are you alright?", I repeated my question, hoping my cheeks wouldn't turn red from that one pet name that already made me feel giddy inside.

"Now I am", he smirked back then peppering my face with light kisses.

"Zee", I giggled, wanting him stop because my stomach started hurting from all the laughing.

"Zee?", he repeated having an amused look on his face.

"I like that Curly. You've got approval", he exclaimed.

"Aren't you kind", I answered playfully. I felt like Zayn's features suddenly darkened, but he seemed to snap out of thoughts when I bravely traced with my finger over his slightly parted lips.

"What are you thinking about?", I murmured.

"Right now?"

"Right now."

"Right now I'm thinking about you."

"And what are you thinking about me?"

"That you are absolutely beautiful", he replied sounding sincere and flirty at the same time.

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