I think you should just accept that we kinda like each other (8)

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Harry's POV

Not even a second had passed and I found myself pressed against the wall, with Zayn caging me. His chest was pressed against mine and I could feel his heart beating rapidly. His pupils had darkened and he was intensely looking into my eyes. Without realizing it, I had licked my lips, out of nervousness and anticipation of what was about to happen. Zayn's gaze was wandering from my eyes on to my lips. Being that close to him and feeling his intensive stare was making me breathe unevenly and my heartbeat seemed to have doubled its speed. I wanted him to kiss me so badly. The tension in the room was driving me crazy and I felt my heart would soon be jumping out of my chest that's how loud and fast it was beating. How I wanted to feel his lips on mine, how I wanted to taste him once more. Without realizing it I had leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing, when suddenly a warm hand was gently cupping my cheek and Zayn let his fingers tenderly caressing it.

"You know Curly, I really want to kiss you right now", Zayn whispered seductively into my ear.

"Then why don't you?", I questioned him, opening my eyes again, his brown-golden eyes meeting my green orbs. I felt so desperate for his kiss that I could barely stand still but just wanted to lean in and capture his lips with mine. However, I way too shy to do so.

"It's not that easy", Zayn murmured and suddenly withdrew from me.

"But...", I tried and he was just shaking his head, signalizing there were no buts.

"I don't understand", I said clueless to why he wouldn't kiss me even if he obviously wanted to.

"Harry, I'm not good for you", Zayn claimed desperately and he seemed to be fighting an inner battle.

Zayn's POV

I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to feel these plump lips on mine again. It didn't matter that I had only known him for a few days. Honestly I had never been attracted to someone that much as I was towards him. But it just wouldn't be fair to him. Besides that I didn't even know what I wanted from Harry. I couldn't possibly get into a relationship with him, or anyone for that matter. Not because I didn't want to, but because I simply didn't deserve it. My dad was completely right by thinking that.

However, I knew I wanted Harry in my life. Heck I had just met the curly lad and I was already starting to think about my future.

"Zayn", Harry's voice got me out of my thoughts and my eyes landed back on his.

"I don't understand what", that's when I finally had made up my mind, not caring about anything but my inner voice that was telling me to just give him and I, what we both needed, so I cut him off by crashing my lips onto his.

Harry's POV

All my thoughts had vanished with the feeling of his lips on mine. At first he kissed me so slowly and softly, as if I was a blooming flower that he didn't want harm. But when his kisses started to reach some sort of intensity, I completely lost it. Zayn had entered my mouth with his tongue, swirling it around mine. He tasted like a hint of smoke and chocolate, might sound like a weird combination, but I absolutely loved it.

Not being able to keep myself up on my own, I clung onto Zayn who seemed to have noticed that my body had become weaker and therefore tightened his grip on me, to keep me steady. I was literally seeing stars by now, his kiss evoking sensations I hadn't even known I was capable of feeling.

When Zayn pulled away, I was completely out of breath, staring into his eyes, trying to read his expression. He seemed to be just as dizzy as I felt, his pupils darkened and sparkling at the same time.

Spaces Between Us- Hold All Our Secrets (ZARRY AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz