Maybe I'm not smart (6)

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Harry's POV

I had no idea what the fuck just happened! Everything had happened so quickly that my brain couldn't keep up with it. Before I could even really think about it, my phone started ringing.

"Yeah?", I answered rather rudely, not caring to see who was on the other line.

"Hey Harold. Just wanted to check on you and ask how it went. And from your tone I'm assuming it didn't go that well?", Niall asked.

"The date went fine. We talked, he paid for the dinner and kissed me on the cheek. Oh and he asked for my number and we might go out sometime soon..."

"Well that doesn't sound too bad."

"No it wasn't. But I met Zayn again."

"Zayn? Wasn't that the guy from the club?"



"I randomly walked into him in our hallway...", I continued but got interrupted: "Oh, so he does study here as well?"

"Yes Niall, he does. But he is gonna start tomorrow, which means he has missed the first week."
"That's a bit strange. But I don't see why you are in a bad mood now."
"I'm not in a bad mood", I snapped.

"Harry! Just tell me what happened!"

"Okay! So Zayn and I started talking and I somehow ended up asking him if he needed help to unpack, because he just moved in today and he was carrying a box..."

"So you wanted to spend time with him?", Niall tried to clarify.

"I guess you could put it that way", I agreed, "anyhow, I found out that he liked books a lot. He even let me borrow one."

"That Zayn guy likes books?", Niall questioned disbelievingly.

"Yeah and he seems to know a lot about them as well. Besides he is gonna study Creative Writing."

"Sorry man. Just didn't look like a guy that reads", Niall apologized.

"Yeah, well he reads. And he was really nice and well we kissed, but then he suddenly said he shouldn't have done that and threw me out of the room and..."

"You guys kissed?"

"Yeah but didn't you listen? But then he threw me out. Niall I don't get it. He was the one who initiated the kiss. Okay maybe we both kinda leaned in but he seemed as if he wanted to kiss me and all of the sudden he says he shouldn't and didn't mean to do that."

"Wait Harry. Weren't you on a date with Louis?"

"Yes Niall I mentioned that, didn't I?!"

"You did. But I just don't get it. At first you're on a date. Then you suddenly run into that guy you danced with in the club. And then you offered to help him unpack his stuff and you guys ended up kissing but in the end he threw you out?"

"Yes Niall, I just said all that", I groaned in annoyance, "but why did he suddenly threw me out??"

"I don't Harry. Maybe he liked you but already is in a relationship?", Niall argued and I also had come up with that idea.

"No that can't be it. He was flirting with me. Also I asked him about this one guy and he replied with: Do you really think I would dance with you the way we did, if I had a boyfriend?"

"I don't know Harry. The question is, what do you want? I mean you obviously can't be with Zayn and Louis. Who did you like more?"

"Zayn", I right away answered, not even having to think twice. I had no idea why that guy attracted me so much.

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