My only angel (15)

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Harry's POV

"Good morning sleepy-beauty", Zayn's voice woke me up, while I could feel his breath tickling my neck.

"How come that you're up before I am?", I laughed, because Zayn was usually the one who liked to sleep in.

"How come you didn't wake up when your alarm clock rang but I did?", he retorted, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Hmm", was all I said, loving his little affectionate gestures that made me feel good, maybe even more than that.

Maybe even loved? I wasn't quite sure though? Love is a strong word. My mom always used to describe love as a feeling that suddenly appears and wipes you off your feet because you didn't expect it. So far I haven't had that moment yet. All I knew was that I absolutely loved being with Zayn. He was rather quiet compared to myself and not that outgoing, but at the same time he was so easy to joke with, talk about deeper things and their meaning, discuss literature and music and on top of that he was really sweet, even if he'd probably scold me right now if he'd knew I'd been describing him as sweet, but that's what he was to me. A sweet creature. Always helping and supporting me and being considered about how I felt in situations. And at the same time he was that flirty and sometimes rather cocky and demanding player, even though that side of him didn't shine through many times. There were just so many things I liked about him. Not to forget that besides all of that he looked absolutely gorgeous, breathtaking as if was created by God himself. Honestly that might have been a reason why I even danced with him at that club. Okay maybe also because I was a bit drunk that day and didn't care about being shy anymore but simply had let go.

And I'm really glad I did, because otherwise probably none of this would have happened.

"Curly, you need to get up", Zayn pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Wanna stay here", I grumbled, pulling the pillow on top of head as a signal that I wasn't gonna get up soon.

"Your class starts in fifteen minutes though and I bet you don't wanna miss it."

"Fifteen minutes??", I almost jumped up.

"You should have seen your face!", Zayn laughed and usually I'd be a bit mad at him, since he totally fooled me, but seeing him laugh and the way his eyes crinkled and his tongue was poking out behind his teeth, he looked absolutely beautiful that I simply had to smile as well.

"Idiot", I mumbled and lightly hit him with the pillow.

"We should really get up though", Zayn sighed, shaking me softly.


"Because I wanna take you out for breakfast before classes started."
"In that case ...Okay", I smiled, clearly liking this idea.

Zayn was the first to get up and I followed a few minutes later. Since I still had my clothes at my dorm and was way too lazy to head over now, I borrowed a few of Zayn's clothes. Okay, I admit. I just wanted to wear his clothes. So I put on one of his grey hoodies and a pair of jeans. The hoodie even smelled like his scent.

After we had gotten ready we made our way to the café near the campus and ordered a bagel and a cappuccino each. Our breakfast was filled with talks about our classes, with mostly Zayn talking, which was a nice change because usually I was the one talking. I couldn't help but admire him. The way he spoke, the way he took a small pause to think about how he was gonna express his next thought, like the writer he was, so of course he always tried to express himself in the most intellectual way. And it didn't seem ridiculous or boastfully, but simply naturally and wise. And all I could do is watch him and smile to myself, loving the way he rambled when a matter was really important to him, it was fascinating to watch. Plus, I loved to find out more about him. Every day I learned something new about him, a new detail and a new trait that I happened to love.

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