I perfectly agree with you, Sir (7)

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Heads up I made a mistake while writing this chapter which is why I'm adding this note...
The quotation is not from Pride and Prejudice 😬 but from Emma, which is also a Jane Austen novel -just  realized that and thought I should correct it...
Both books are good- And I did read them and this quotation is not just researched from the internet but a picture from my phone that I once took - I just messed up the book titles when I looked at it - sorry about that!
Even id you guys probably don't really care about that fact - I still wanted to correct my mistake :)

Zayn's POV

I woke up, totally exhausted and worn out, my head aching like hell and my eyes needing to adjust to the bright sunlight that was shining through the window. At first I set one foot on the floor, followed by the other, then finally getting up to walk over to the sink. As I splashed some water on my face I right away felt a bit refreshed. If only my head wouldn't hurt that bad. How many beers did I even have that I got a hangover? I truly forgot. To get rid of that terrible head ache, I grabbed a pain killer out of a cabinet, gulping it down with a bit of water. Hopefully I'd feel a bit better soon. After all, today was my first day of college and I really wanted to make a good impression. Although I really didn't feel like achieving that today. With one last look on my watch, I knew I had to hurry up in order to be in class on time.

After a short shower, I gathered all the stuff that I needed, putting it in a backpack and made my way to class. Since I hadn't really looked around, I didn't find my class right away, but luckily the woman at the reception had gotten me a map of the campus, otherwise I'd be hopelessly wandering around.

When I entered the room, most of the students had already taken their seats. A few of them turned their heads into my direction, probably wondering why a new student was suddenly in their class. I took a sit at an empty table next to a girl with blonde hair. She looked like model, although she didn't really give the impression of being a friendly person, but hey never judge based on looks right?!

"Hey I'm Zayn", I introduced myself to her, not wanting to be rude.

"Hey I'm Gigi", she happily replied, giving me a wide smile.

Before we could start a real conversation, the teacher Mr. Freedman had arrived.

Harry's POV

"Harry", Diana greeted me, by giving me a tight squeeze.

"Hey Dee. How is going?"

"Going good. I was just wondering if you'd like to do something today", she chirped.

"Already tired of your boyfriend?", I mocked, referring to her and Nick.

"Shut up, you! Nick and I are not even dating", she groaned.

"But you knew I meant him", I stated amused.

"Whatever Harry. You got time later?"

"Sure I'd love to. I could use a bit of distraction."
"Alright great", she happily responded.

After class Diana and I went over to the café that I had found on my first day here.

"So what's up with you Harold?"

"Hey!", I exclaimed, no one was allowed to call me that but Niall, "sorry Haz!"


"Well I wanna call you some nickname too. Duh!"

"Well I guess Haz is alright then", I grumbled.

"So how are you doing? What's the tea?", Diana questioned.

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