Even if it's only for one night (3)

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Zayn's POV

This was it. I was standing outside, on a sidewalk in the middle of London. The sun was shining on my face and a slight wind was gently blowing. It felt good to be back here. To really feel. I had never realized before how important it was to connect with nature and fully feel and embrace it. I had come to miss those little things. Like feeling the warmness of the sunshine touching your skin, breathing in fresh air and having the wind blow in your face. Right now, I felt alive.

Liam had been released an hour earlier than me. His aim was it to visit his family right away and work out the perfect plan for his future. Basically what I had to do. Just that I wasn't as eager as him.

Moreover I wondered if Liam and I would cross paths again. He had been my best friend in there. Honestly, he was my only real friend. Without him I didn't know if I would have survived. He always had reminded me of the good things in life, keeping an optimistic attitude. I really hoped he'd want to stay friends.

For now I had different worries though. I had to face my family.

My fingers were shaking terribly, only lightly pressing the doorbell. I wasn't even quite sure if I actually rang. When I heard loud footsteps approaching the door, I took in a deep breath, putting on a fake smile.

"Zayn!!", my older sister squealed when she had opened the door and pulled me in for a hug, "god I haven't seen you in so long."

"Zayn!", Waliyha and Safaa came running, hugging me as well.

"I have missed my three crazy sisters", I chuckled happily. I really had. They were such wonderful women, "god you all look so grown up."

"Of course we look older. I'm thirteen now", my youngest sister Safaa proudly stated.

"I know you are. I wish I would have been there on your guys' birthdays", I sighed. Feeling extremely guilty and sad that I had missed out on so much.

"We missed having you here. But of course we wanna hear all about your stay in the States", Waliyha added.

"Let him rest for a second", Donyia scolded them.

"Zayn?", the all so known voice questioned.


"Come here my big boy", she welcomed me with open arms. And I couldn't help but started crying. "Son, you're finally back. I can't believe it's really you. You have grown so much beard and have you worked out?", she stumbled, "you're really not my little boy anymore but a handsome young man."

She gave me a longer kiss on the forehead and wiped her tears and mine away.

"Let me cook you something. You must be starving", she assumed already heading to the kitchen.

"You know I'd never decline your dishes. I have missed them", I responded gratefully.

"Trisha", my dad's voice was heard and shortly after, he was entering the kitchen, "Zayn?"

"Hey dad", I greeted him timidly. My dad looked utterly confused. Definitely not happy to see me at all. Nonetheless he came up to me and gave me quick hug.

"What finally brings you to us?"

"Oh the boy transferred universities. He's gonna study at Middlesex University from now on", my mom answered my dad's question.

I was? When did she decide that?

"How cool! Then we'll see you a lot more", Safaa shouted happily.

"Yeah that's what I though too. I just missed my family too much", I played along.

What the hell was my mom talking about?

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