An unexpected encounter (4)

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Tiredly I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, stretched my arms and then sunk deep back into the pillow. Last night was such a blur. I didn't even know when I got back home. I did remember one thing though, better someone. Zayn. Me stumbling into him, and him flirting and asking me to dance. Oh gosh, just thinking about how we danced made me blush in embarrassment. It wasn't exactly dirty dancing, but I'd never let myself go like that. I'd never thought I'd be able to. And I had even leaned on him, pulled his neck closer... He probably thought I was some kinda of a slut. Okay maybe now I was exaggerating. Still what did he think of me? He probably already had forgotten me. He seemed to be one of those players, who knew they could get anyone but just didn't want to. He had probably danced with tons of people yesterday, it's not like us dancing had meant anything to him. It's not like I was someone special.

Unlike that, us dancing had meant something to me. Heck, I rarely knew the guy. I didn't even know his last name or how old he was. The only things I knew were that he was undeniably attractive and his name was Zayn, nothing more than that. Oh wait, his deep husky voice sounded good, really good actually.

By now I had to smile about my silly thoughts. Like seriously Harry get a grip! It was only one dance with a stranger. I should forget about it, forget about him. Because why not? It's not like I'd ever see him again. London was quite big. The chance of randomly running into him were almost zero.

"Uhh", I let out an unrelieved sound.

Why did I have to leave with Niall and the others? This one time I actually enjoyed partying and met someone who didn't think I was completely stupid, even though I had bumped into him, and exactly then Niall had to tear me away from him. That just wasn't fair!

Grumpily I finally got up and headed to my sink. When I looked into the mirror above it I took in a sharp breath. Besides me looking totally worn out, there was an extremely light, but still visible, tiny mark on my neck.

I even had let him kiss my neck. Wow, I really hadn't been myself yesterday. Recalling the memory from last night, I gently traced my finger above the tiny mark, smiling to myself like an idiot.

I really needed to push these thoughts aside.

"Hey guys", I greeted the others, while taking a seat next to Nick.

"Hey", was their short reply, apparently they had a real hangover.

"So where did you guys end up? I didn't see you for a while", I casually asked, internally hoping they wouldn't ask me the same question.

"Well, these two flirted", Niall spilled, pointing at Nick and Diana, whose faces turned a bit red, "and well left me alone, rather rudely if you ask me. So I came looking for you, since you only wanted to get yourself a drink but never came back. But when I saw you I thought I'd better not interrupt, so I ended up sitting at the bar, drinking shot after shot with this Liam guy. He was really cool though. He had a few tatts, brown hair and abs to die for."

"Oh has Nialler gotten a crush?", I mocked rather immaturely.

"Says the one who was grinding on that strangers' dick", Niall bluntly shot back.

"I did not Niall!", I defended myself, "I simply danced with him. No grinding involved."

"Sure Harold. You two seemed pretty close though. Did you get his number?", he asked further.

"No!! Because someone pulled me away before I could", I retorted, staring a bit angry at my best friend. Not that I could actually blame him. Who knew what would have happened if Niall hadn't interrupted us. He could have just left me on the dance floor or maybe, more would have happened? Fact was, I'd probably would have been too shy to ask him for his number, so as long he wouldn't have asked me for mine, I would have gone empty handed as well.

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