I don't think there is anything left of me to be hurt (18)

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Harry's POV

"I really had a good time today", Louis charmingly smiled and I nodded in agreement.

"I did too. Sorry again", I replied, referring to having rejected him after the first time we had went out on a date.

"It's okay. I understand", he understandingly sighed, since I already gave him an explanation earlier on our date, even though it was a total bullshit of excuse and not really the truth. Louis didn't seem to have noticed that though, but slowly reached his hands out to intertwine them with mine, just asking: "So I guess I'll see you around then?"

"I guess you will", I smirked, before I felt Louis pressing his lips on mine. This kiss was rough, hungry, but not as passionate and meaningful as with...

No! I had to stop thinking about him! But Louis' hands weren't as gently and firm as his. He didn't smell like chocolate mint and...he just wasn't him.

Louis was a great kisser for sure but my heart was still beating for someone else and my mind was still thinking about him.

So I imagined it to be him. I imagined it were his lips pressed on mine, his hands tightly holding me by my waist, only to feel a little something besides this aching pain nagging at my heart.

"That was hot", Louis smugly stated, after having pulled away, "until very soon Harry", he winked before leaving me standing in front of my dorm.

Sighing I let myself fall onto my bed.

Did I really feel better now?

No I did not. I was being irresponsible and unfair. I shouldn't have asked Louis out. Now I was getting his hopes up for what? Being lied to as well as I had been. Although my lie was way more bearable than his. But still I knew I shouldn't have gone out with him.

Or maybe it was a good idea. Maybe I might actually could fall for Louis and forget about him.

Zayn's POV

All I had been doing was crying and screaming with a bit of writing in between. And I had thought I could never feel worse than I did being stuck in that prison, but apparently getting your heart broken and being the reason for it feels ten times worse.

I loved him with all of my heart. Sure we'd only been dating for a bit over a month. And yes, we weren't even intimate with each other but instead taking it slow, but that didn't change the way I felt towards him. It didn't change how my heart started beating faster whenever I saw him. It didn't change how I thought about him every second of the day, wondering what he was doing, wondering what he was thinking.

If only he knew.

If only he understood.

If only he knew,

That I would,

Do anything,

For him to take me back

If only he knew.

If only I could.

If only he knew,

That I would,

Try everything,

So he will take me back.

If only he knew.

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