Wash It Away

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A/N: Photo is her kimono. Couldn't find a similar appearance to her, so ignore the character ^.^

Kitara Takeda

I fidget slightly with my kimono sleeves as I follow alongside Kiba and Shikamaru with Choji trailing behind. Konoha decided to hold a small festival to celebrate the Chunin Exams that start tomorrow. I wasn't too interested in going since my thoughts were still muddled by the mess that is my family and these strange feelings I'd been hiding from Kiba. Unfortunately, the two things I'd been trying to avoid hit me directly in the face when Kiba broke into my apartment this morning and literally dragged me out of bed. I had tried to reason my not going with not having a kimono to wear, but he called me a liar and pulled out the one I'd stored in the back of the closet. Apparently he noticed it during one of the apartment searches when I fell asleep in the closet. I tried to fake a cold but that didn't work either so here I am.

The festival isn't too bad so far, I'm just not too fond of crowds. Kiba looks nice dressed up as well so that both helps and doesn't help. I can't help but find myself staring at him every so often. I turn back from accepting a chip from Choji and find Kiba nearby talking to Naruto so I decide to stay here. The noise of the festival is loud enough without being subject to point blank range of Naruto's voice.

"So, how long have you two been faking it?"

I jump and turn to look at Shikamaru in confusion. "I don't know what you mean."

"You and Kiba. You're faking being together. I'm just curious for how long and why."

My eyes study his in an effort to figure out if he's lying or if I should even cave and admit it. It was in our rules to never tell anyone, but we never established a plan for if someone figures it out. This would be a great time for Kiba to swoop back in and save me. I sigh and run a hand down my face.

"How?" I ask.

"I could tell by watching the two of you. There's always a hesitance with everything you do. So, why?"

"It's been just over two months." I explain, casting a look back at Kiba. "We were arguing at training one day and it turned into a bet since we both hated each other to see who could make the other fall for them and prove the other wrong."

"That sounds troublesome. At least one of you is going to get hurt in the end, I hope you realize that. Someone is going to have feelings that aren't returned. What happens on the other side of it? You're teammates for now at least and you've spent practically every day together."

His words aren't ones that I hadn't thought before. I knew someone would get hurt, I'm already hurting, but I'm being selfish. I've lost already but I don't want to tell him because then I'll lose him, even if this all an illusion. Shikamaru seems to notice my expression and his gaze softens.

"You need to tell him. It's not right to either of you."

"I know... I'll tell him tonight."

He sighs and looks between me and Kiba before shaking his head. "Wait until after the exams. You'll both need to focus in order to pass. You are sadly perfect for each other though, head strong and too stubborn to back down from competition."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kiba chirps as he reappears and wraps his arm around my waist. "So, what are we talking about?" I tense and shoot a look at Shikamaru who easily lets a lie slip out, covering for both of us.

Kiba seems to buy it and we continue wandering through the streets. Everything is going to come to an end soon, if we even survive the exams. I never imagined that day when I suggested that stupid bet that everything would change so drastically. I thought that within a couple of weeks, I'd crush Kiba and get to brag about it. I didn't expect to find myself laughing and sharing everything with him, spending every day by his side, and going to him for comfort every time my life decided to blow up in my face. If we make it and I tell him, I will truly be alone. My parents aren't coming back, my sister is gone, and Kiba's presence was the one thing that kept me from going insane in the apartment.

I blink and lightly touch my cheek as I feel something wet trail down my cheek. I'm crying... I hastily run my sleeves under my eyes but they keep falling. At least everyone's attention is on the festival instead of me. Something hits my head, then another, and another. The chatter in the crowd dies out as a rumble of thunder fills the air... Then the rain hits. I look up at the night sky as the rain hides the evidence for me. It's like the world is crying with me, crying for the loss of everything that I once held dear.

"Well, I guess the fireworks are off." I hear Kiba mutter over the sound of the rain and the spectators trying to flee the water. "I was going to do this during the fireworks, but I think this is cheesy enough too. Maybe I'll win the bet after this."

I look up at him in confusion until the words sink in. Before I can react, he lightly grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss, his other hand circling my waist and pulling me closer. I deepen the kiss and pour all of my unspoken feelings into it as time seems to stop around us. All I can feel is Kiba holding me, his lips on mine, and the rain washing my tears away. He pulls away and smiles down at me before asking if he won. If he only knew he already had.

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