Her Kiss

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Kiba Inuzuka

Meeting Kitara's mother wasn't what I expected. She called her by the wrong name immediately but it sounded like it could be a nickname and Kitara didn't correct her so I let it go. Their house was a mess and full of liquor bottles. For all I know, they could be decent people especially with how she'd spoken of them, but I don't have a good feeling about this. I stay close to her as her mother tears apart their house in search of the ashes. The door opens behind us after Kitara tells me that she looks like her father since I didn't notice a resemblance between her and her mother. She's right, though her father looks haggard from obvious years of alcoholism. He even smells of sake right now. I can feel her arm tense as I hold her hand and realize that she's trying to stop herself from shaking but it's not working as well as she's hoped. She was nervous already but this is at a whole new level. She's terrified of him. I feel her take a step back and I move closer to her. Her mother reappears, calling her yet another name and gives her the box. We go to leave but her father steps in our way, his tone darkening dangerously as they talk. I want to stay out of it because it's her parents and it's not my place, but they're both making my blood boil. I finally snap, insulting them and calling them out on their bullshit before pulling her out of the house.

I stop a few streets away and turn back to check on her. Her icy blue eyes are trained on mine, wide and brimming with tears as she clutches the box. I didn't mean to make her cry. It wasn't my place to step in and say anything to her parents but they deserved it. I open my mouth to apologize but she grabs the front of my jacket with her free hand and pulls me down to her level before crashing her lips onto mine. Well, this is unexpected. She pulls away a moment later and releases me.

"Sorry, I just needed to do that." She mumbles before trying to walk past me.

I catch her arm and gently pull her back. "Not so fast. What was that about?"

"You defended me to my parents. You made me realize that I had held them so much higher than they deserved. You've taken care of me this past month or so as well, so consider it a thank you for that as well."

"So, does this mean you've lost?" I smirk, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Don't get ahead of yourself there, Inuzuka. You just earned a few boyfriend points, I will admit to that. Now, let's get back. I'm currently holding myself together by a thread and I think I can make it if no one hugs me or anything until after the mission is complete. I'd rather not fall apart until I'm home again."

"Don't hate me." I tell her before pulling her into a hug.

She struggles against me, snapping at me to let her go but I refuse as I hear her voice starting to break.

"You need to let it out, Takeda. It's either here or back in the house in front of our team."

"Fuck you." Her voice comes out muffled as she stops struggling and starts to cry.

Kitara, Akamaru, and I make it back to the house fifteen minutes later. I'd let her cry on me until she slowly fell asleep where we stood, then I picked her up and carried her back, making sure the box was still safely in her arms. As I walk into the main room, I'm met with confused and concerned looks but they thankfully stay quiet as Kurenai gestures to take her upstairs. I carefully lay Kitara on one of the beds and put her sister's ashes on the side table before covering her up. I kiss her forehead and quietly ask Akamaru to watch over her as he curls up beside her. He rests his head on her stomach with a huff and stares at me until I back away and leave the room. I swear she's corrupted my partner.

I take a seat at the table and accept the plate of food from Hinata. As I eat, I can feel everyone's eyes on me in search of answers to what exactly happened. I don't want to really say anything since it's not my business but I tell them that we have what we came for and she was tired so I carried her back. It's a vague version of the truth at least. I hear Hinata say that Kitara did seem very stressed during our trip.

"Make sure to get some rest guys, we'll be leaving in the morning." Kurenai-sensei says as she yawns and stretches before getting to her feet.

She disappears into the back room, leaving the three of us in silence. I let out a sigh and run a hand through my hair. It's been a long day.

"This mission involves her family, doesn't it?" Shino asks breaking the silence.

"It's not my place to talk about it." I reply letting my head rest on the table top.

"L-Lord Zana said he offered his condolences. Did someone die?" Hinata asks as well.

"M-My sister."

We all look up to find Kitara standing at the base of the stairs, the box cradled in her arms as Akamaru tumbles down the stairs and heads toward the door. I open it to let him out for a moment before returning to the table.

"I'm sorry Kitara." Hinata speaks up.

Kitara slowly walks over to sit across from me and puts the box on the table, her fingers gently tracing the silver writing. I'd hoped that she would stay asleep since it had been a hard day for her, but I couldn't really prevent it. Her hoodie is gone, leaving her in a light blue tank top, and it's absence reveals a series of hand shaped bruises on her arms. That bastard hurt her and I couldn't stop him. I tear my gaze away from her arms and ask if she's hungry. It's something to distract me from the overwhelming urge to rip that lord's head off. She nods and says that she can feed herself but Shino reaches over and gently pushes her back onto the chair.

"You've had a hard day. You should rest."

"Thank you guys."

My chair scrapes against the floor as I get to my feet and find a cup of instant ramen we'd picked up in the village earlier and set some water to boil. I hear Hinata ask about the box followed by Kitara's quiet voice finally explaining the mission to them. Her voice starts to crack toward the end as she glosses over most of our encounter with her parents and what happened afterward but she doesn't fall apart like I feared she would. I set the ramen in front of her a few minutes later and she thanks me as I let Akamaru back inside. He ignores me completely and jumps up to settle in her lap.

"Traitor..." I grumble, glaring at him.

"It's not my fault he likes me more. Dogs are good judges of character." She snickers as she eats.

"He's been my partner since he was born. I'm pretty sure I'm a great character. You have him under some kind of mind control I bet." I retort, sticking my tongue out. 

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