Lunch Break

450 17 6

Kiba Inuzuka

I watch Kitara's face flicker through several different emotions as she stares down at the paper in her hands. She said that Yuki, that terrible woman we'd met back on our mission, wasn't her mother. If she's not, who is and why didn't she know? I'm not sure what to say or how to react and I don't want to possibly upset her further. I'm not sure how she handled the week that I was unfortunately apart from her so she could be very fragile. I open my mouth to say something but she lets out a loud sigh and simply tosses the paper onto the bed before getting to her feet, grabbing the large cup she'd left on the side table.

"So, what's for lunch? It smells good." She asks as she passes by, her face unnaturally calm compared to what she just learned. I'm not going to press her though.

I convince Kitara to take a break after we eat with the promise of helping her afterward. My mother woke me up early and her eyes keep fluttering closed as if she hadn't slept in a week. Judging by the dark circles around her eyes it's entirely possible. She tries to resist the break but I lightly catch her hand and pull her down onto the couch with me. I quickly wrap my arms around her, holding her to me so she can't escape, then turn so she's no longer laying on top of me.

"Sleep." I mumble.

"I don't want-" She pauses to yawn. "-to sleep."

"You're lying." Her cheeks puff out in annoyance but she slowly stops struggling and I feel her start to get comfortable.

"Just ten minutes. Then we go back to work."

"Twenty." I argue back as I close my eyes.



My whole body jumps as a very small, squeak-like noise leaves her and I realize that she'd sneezed. I never heard her sneeze before.

"That was adorable." I laugh as she glares up at me. "Fine, ten it is."

I wake up a short time later as I feel Akamaru lick my hand that's dangling off the edge of the couch, a sign that he wants to go outside, and sigh. Kitara is still curled up beside me, her back pressed against my chest. Despite the signs of exhaustion around her eyes, she looks peaceful and angelic. She looks a lot nicer than the waking version of herself at least. My eyes widen as she turns over and buries her face in my chest, leaving her arm hanging awkwardly off the couch. I reach out and try to grab it without waking her, but she shifts again and her hand falls onto my face before I can stop it. Thanks, Kitara. I always wanted you to smack me in your sleep... After a decent amount of struggling and wiggling around, I'm finally able to escape the couch and let Akamaru out.

"You left me."

I turn back to the couch to find her staring at me through half-lidded eyes, a pouty look on her face.

"Blame your best friend."

"Come back." She whines, stretching her arms out.

"I thought you only wanted ten minutes." I tease as I head back to her.

She smirks and pulls me onto the couch. "I changed my mind."

"So, what are you wanting to do for the rest of your break?" I ask and notice her cheeks start to tint pink as she looks away. "I-I don't know."

"You look flustered. You're not lying to me, are you?" I lightly grab her chin so she's looking at me and her blush deepens.


"What is it?" I hold back a smirk as I can tell she's distracted.

Her eyes keep moving to my lips. Is it just because we're close or does she want to kiss me? Does that mean she's starting to get feelings for me? I'd be closer to winning if she is. I won't lie and say that I'm not tempted myself for some reason. I decide to test it and mess with her a little by leaning a little closer. Her breath hitches for a moment as her eyes move to meet mine. There's something burning in her gaze but I can't tell what it is.

"You never answered me, Takeda. What do you want?" I ask softly as my thumb slowly rubs her cheek.

Her mouth parts slightly as she tries to speak but nothing comes out. I smirk and gently brush my lips against hers. Her eyes flutter closed and I feel her shift to actually kiss me. I was right.

I should pull away, I need to pull away, but for some reason I find myself pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. I run my tongue along her lip and as her lips part, I hear Akamaru throw himself against the door. I curse as I pull away, knowing he'd continue if I didn't let him in now. I look down at her and realize that I'd ended up on top of her somehow and she's staring at me with wide eyes, her cheeks still pink. I wink at her and smirk as her blush deepens and she looks away, then I try to get to my feet to let him in, but trip over my foot and hit the floor. Her laughter fills the air and I grumble my complaints as I head to the door. I don't know whether to thank him or hate him for his interruption. I'm not sure what the hell just happened. I was simply teasing her, testing to see if she had really wanted to kiss me like she seemed to. Why did I continue it? Why did it feel nice? And what exactly was that feeling in my chest? I can't be losing. I can't lose to her. She can never know.

When I return to the main room, she's gone from the couch so I track her to her parents' room again. She's fervently going through the pile again and even though her face is down, I can see her hands shaking. Did the kiss startle her as much as it did me? I can't ask without giving myself away. Instead, I enter the room and ask if she needed help with anything. Without looking up at me, she nods and asks if I can take the taped boxes into the entryway. I pick up the first box from the pile off to the right and carry it out, leaving us to work in a tense silence. This challenge was hard enough to begin with, but now it's on a whole new level.

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