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Kiba Inuzuka

Thank God Kitara finally came back. I was going to go look for her but she left so quickly I wasn't even sure where she had headed. When I looked at her and hugged her though, she seemed completely blank, like she was tucking all of her feelings away to keep herself together. I was concerned when I saw the blood on her hands but she brushed past me a moment later and went to take a shower. I cleaned up the broken plate and Akamaru unfortunately took care of the omelet that hit the floor as well while she was gone. I'm assuming that she found her biological mother and knew the name when she saw it written. I jump slightly as I hear a small crash from her bathroom and a moment later she comes back, barely dressed again like I saw the day she cleaned out her bedroom. My gaze lingers on her body momentarily as I get to my feet. Before I can ask, she tells me that she's okay but she's out of bandages. I smirk and make her sit beside me as I pull bandages from my pockets. I started to carry them on me when I got used to her somehow hurting herself. I gently wrap the scrapes on her hands before she starts to complain about being cold. I eye her outfit with a smirk and remind her that she isn't wearing much. Short shorts and a tank top won't exactly keep you warm.

"I grabbed the first two things my hands touched so hand it over."

"Why should I?" I taunt. I know she's poorly concealing her bad mood so maybe if I keep it up she'll either snap and let it out that way or I'll distract her.

"Give it or I'll take it from you." Oh yeah, she's irritated.

"I'd like to see you try." I smirk, as her glare deepens.

I gently catch her as she launches herself at me and hold her wrists with one hand and wrap the other around her waist. As I stand, I ignore her fighting to get down and carry her into the bedroom. I drop her down on the bed and pin her beneath me before telling her to let it out.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You're pissed off and failing to hold it back. Either yell it out right now or we can go out to the training ground and fight it out there."

"I'm fine." She huffs, avoiding my gaze.

"You tried to attack me over a jacket."

"Okay, I'm a little pissed but that's just my life. I am fine."

"Let it out or I'll lick your face." I threaten and her eyes narrow dangerously.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh, but I really, really would." I lean in closer to her cheek and stick my tongue out, holding back a laugh at the look on her face.

"Fine! Fine. Training ground." She huffs and I start to pull away but quickly press my tongue to her cheek. "Germs! My face is melting!"

I roll my eyes and kiss her instead with intent to tease her on more germs when I pull away but she grabs my jacket and deepens the kiss.

I know we're supposed to be going to fight but this feels rather nice. I slowly release her wrists and support myself on one hand while my other moves her hair away from her neck. I break away from the kiss and trail smaller kisses across her jawline and down her neck. A pleasant chill runs down my spine as my lips brush a certain spot and a small moan escapes her lips. I focus on it and decide to lightly nibble at the spot and I feel her hands that had tangled into my hair clench into fists. They move down to my chest and tug the zipper on my jacket and she starts to pull on it so I abandon her throat, eyeing the red mark I'd made and shrug off my jacket before leaning down to capture her lips again. This is absolute bliss, getting lost in her kiss like it's oxygen, but... it's wrong. As much as I want this, want her, I can't be selfish. No matter how badly I want her, she doesn't want me and I don't want us to accidentally go too far and have her resent me for it. I reluctantly break the kiss and remove my hand that at some point had wandered into her shirt and take a calming breath.

"Why'd you stop?" She whispers, her eyes full of desire.

That look alone makes me want to say screw it and take her then and there but I shake my head and clench my fists.

"I- We can't keep going." I sigh, then remember the rules she'd made. "Rule number one. You specifically wrote 'no sex' and said you'd rather die than have me touch you." That'll cover my real reason for stopping at least.

"I don't care about the rules." She mumbles and tries to pull me back in.

"Kitara, we can't do this. I felt bad enough taking your first kiss when you didn't care for me. I couldn't live with myself if I took that from you too. You deserve to share yourself with someone you love, not someone you're stuck in a bet with."

"Fine, but I'm taking your jacket." I sit up and she moves out from underneath me and plucks my jacket up off the floor and puts it on.

I wish I could just tell her how I feel but there's no way she feels the same. I watch as she takes a few calming breaths, her back turned to me, then turns around and smiles at me as if nothing happened. "I just realized that I still haven't eaten today. I had two bites of the omelet before it got abandoned."

"Akamaru ate it."

"Lucky pup. You are a really good cook... Is it lunch time yet?" A small smile crosses my face as she pulls the hood up and it immediately flops down to cover her eyes.

I get to my feet and stand in front of her then tug on the hood for a moment. "We can cook something if you'd like."

"Sounds like a plan." She chirps before blindly heading toward the kitchen. "Oh, by the way, Kurenai-sensei is my mother."


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