In The Beginning

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Kitara Takeda.

Is there something wrong with me? Probably. Is there something wrong with Kiba Inuzuka? Most definitely... I roll my eyes at Kiba's loud chatter before returning my attention to the sketchbook in my lap. Kurenai-sensei had given us a break from training while she responded to a summoning from the Hokage. I don't mind the break but the down time has given Kiba a newfound energy. He annoys me, always has, always will. I squint at the sunlight filtering through the leaves to study the bird perched on the tree limb just ahead of me. I keep my breathing light and quiet, my movements subtle as I finish drawing the outline onto the paper. A soft smile crosses my lips as I finish and start on the detail work. I might even have time to draw out the background before our sensei comes back. My smile drops as Kiba and Akamaru's wrestling match knocks them into the tree trunk and startles the bird. I sigh and shut the book, dropping my glare to my shaggy haired partner and his companion dog. I let the book fall to the ground beside my bag before quickly following suit.

"Really?" I grumble, shooting a glare at Kiba as he gets to his feet.

"What? I didn't do anything." He bites back.

I roll my eyes and turn away to put my belongings away. "Your idiocy ruined my sketch."

"You just want another reason to complain about me and Akamaru!"

"You're wrong," I grumble. "I would never complain about Akamaru, would I, Boy?"

I kneel down to scratch the brown and white dog's head as Kiba scowls at me and his companion's betrayal.

Kiba stalks off to one of our other teammates, Hinata, and begins to complain to her about my existence. It's not like I chose to be stuck on a team with him. Trust me, if I had any say in the matter I would have placed myself on literally any other team besides his. I'd even pair myself with Naruto Uzumaki, and that's saying something. I pass a glance over the pair and stop on Shino Aburame who is sitting on the ground seemingly talking to a large black beetle on his hand. Nothing out of the ordinary. I sit at the base of the tree and grab a stick to play fetch with Akamaru who has been running circles around the clearing of the training ground. As a ninja dog, he has been trained beyond simple games but he enjoys playing with me. It's just an added bonus that it drives his owner crazy.

"You're just the cutest guy ever." I coo as he crashes into my chest from excitement before rushing off into the grass.

"I'm flattered, but you're not my type."

"I wasn't talking to you." I growl, scowling up at Kiba.

"I'm the only one here, so it seems fairly obvious you were. Look, I'd pity date you but I really don't want to. I would never go for someone like you."

"I was talking to your dog. Perhaps the only thing that gives you any worth. Trust me, you're not my type either. If I never saw you again it'd be too soon."

I get to my feet and lean against the tree, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh please, you're just trying to cover yourself because I caught you talking about me." He smirks and I want to punch the look off his face.

"You know what, Inuzuka? I have an idea, a bet really. How about-"

I'm cut off by Kurenai-sensei's reappearing and calling us back to return to training. I cast a withering glance back at Kiba while mentally kicking myself. It was something I'd read in a book that Ino practically threw at me one day but now that the heat of the moment has passed, I can't believe I was going to suggest it. I don't think I could deal with that bet on top of dealing with Kiba. Maybe he will forget about it and I can go home in peace and pretend nothing ever happened. I follow my teammates over to the tree line and tuck my hands into my over-sized black hoodie. We're practicing again on chakra control, which simply means we have to move our chakra to our feet and walk up the tree. If you use too much, you'll break the tree and if you don't use enough, you'll fall off. I sigh and focus my chakra and start to climb but quickly fall back so I try again. Hinata is doing fairly well from what I can see on the far right, Shino is... cheating.

"Shino! That is not what this training exercise is about!" Kurenai-sensei snaps.

I snicker softly as Shino is knocked back to the ground and his bugs skitter away to... wherever they go. Kiba is on my left and without looking I can tell he is struggling by the sounds of crumbling tree bark.

A few hours later, we've all managed to make it to the tops of our respective trees so Kurenai-sensei releases us for the day. I hurry over to my bag and silently pray that I can escape without issue. Kiba seems to be caught up teasing Hinata about her crush for Naruto again, judging by her deep blush, so I hurry along toward the village.

"Takeda! Wait up!"

I close my eyes and exhale loudly, cursing whoever is to blame for my existence for allowing this to happen.

"What do you want Inuzuka? I've got things to do." I mutter as his footsteps catch up to me.

"What was your big idea or bet, whatever you called it?"

I glance over at him, then up to a sleeping Akamaru curled up on his head.

"We hate each other, right? You said that I wasn't your type and I am definitely sure that you will never be my type. But why don't we put that to the test?"

"What do you have in mind?" He asks and I know I'm going to regret this. He loves competition.

"I was serious about having things to do. Come by my apartment in two hours if you're interested." 

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