
447 17 0

Kitara Takeda

I thank Kiba for breakfast as I finish washing our dishes. We have to meet our team in a few minutes for our training for the day. It's been several days since our encounter on my couch and I've found that I still can't look him in the eye. I'm not entirely sure what happened but I found myself wanting to kiss him and I could tell he was teasing me but I caved when his lips brushed mine. I don't have feeling for Kiba. I can't have feelings for him. It felt amazing though. I could never tell him that though. He did help me finish going through my parents' room and we got their bed taken apart as well though. My neighbor next door decided to buy it from me as he needed a new one. I'm thankful because I did not want to have to carry it further than I had to. After carrying off the boxes, I spent the following day cleaning literally everything in my apartment thoroughly and set up my art studio.

"Are you okay? You zoned out there."

I nod and pull my hoodie on before following him out of the apartment.

As we walk, I get bored and jump onto his back, demanding that a good boyfriend would carry me the rest of the way. He grabs my thighs and continues walking to my surprise, but the moment we leave the streets for the grass, he drops me. Rude. I get to my feet and kick the back of his knee so he stumbles.

"You're so rude!" I growl. "What was that for?"

"Why should I be a good boyfriend if you won't look at me?" He retorts as he gets to his feet.

"Fine then. I'm taking your partner. Let's go Akamaru." I huff and continue walking, delighting in the sound of Akamaru running through the grass toward me.

"Akamaru, stay." He calls back but I grin as he doesn't listen and I hear Kiba call him a traitor. I win.

Kiba reaches our meeting area a minute after I do and I can hear him complaining under his breath as he comes to stand beside me. He sticks his tongue out at Akamaru before shooting me a look. I snicker quietly but fall silent when Kurenai-sensei arrives. My eyes widen excitedly as she starts to talk about the Chunin exams. I'd been waiting five months for this! I just hope that she considers us ready, especially since I'd missed a lot of training lately. She gives us her blessing for the exam and hands us the forms. As my eyes scan the paper, I feel my heart drop. We have to have parental permission in order to participate. She tells us to return the forms as soon as we can and that we are dismissed for the day. I want to ask her about the form but she disappears before I can say anything.

"Kitara-chan, are you excited? You've talked about the exams a lot." Hinata asks as she comes over.

I nod, plastering on a fake smile. "Yeah. It's going to be great."

I dismiss myself and head back toward the apartment, my thoughts trying to go through my options for the form. I could forge signatures, I could try to convince the Hokage to let me compete without permission, or I could try to make it back to Lord Zana's godforsaken village and convince them to sign off for me. How are Naruto and Sasuke going to be allowed to compete though? Their situation is different so I'm sure the Hokage has something in place for that, especially since Naruto is the golden child. I sigh and pull off my hoodie, tossing it onto the table as I enter the kitchen. I don't know, this whole thing is fuc- My train of thought is cut off by my back being pressed against the wall, my wrists pinned beside my head. I glare up at Kiba, refusing to meet his eyes and ask what he thinks he's doing. He meets my glare with one of his own and asks why I won't look at him and why I'd ignored him for the past ten minutes. I hadn't even realized he'd been talking. I was off in my own thoughts. I tell him that part but don't answer his first question.

Honestly though, being pinned like this feels strangely good. I blink back to focus as he moves closer to me and repeats his question.

"Why does it matter?" I challenge and he releases my hands since I'm trapped by his body now and one hand gently grabs my chin so I have to look up at him.

"Because I want to know."

This whole thing is sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. Kiba is rather attractive when he's like this.

"Inuzuka, I need you to let me go." I tell him, trying my best to keep my urge to tackle him under control.

I've never felt this way before but even just his touch alone is almost too much for me to handle. How did I go from hating him, to tolerating him, to wanting to rip his clothes off within two months?

"Look at me and I'll let you go."

"I can't." If I do, I think the last of my control will slip away.


"Because I can't." I whine slightly, all of my senses on fire from his proximity. "Please just let me go."

"Why should I?"

"Because right now this whole thing is making me really attracted to you and my control is slipping and I'm doing everything in my power to not jump on you right now." I rush out. "And if I look into your eyes right now I know I will give up. I didn't look at you before because I was embarrassed that I'd gotten caught up in our kiss the other day. I'm not in love with you or anything but it's confusing and I-"

Kiba's lips crash onto mine, cutting off my rant much to my relief.

I feel his hand release my chin as I pull him closer, his hand drifting to tangle in my hair instead while his other snakes around my waist. His tongue moves across my lips and as I open my mouth, I lightly bite down on his tongue, earning a muffled groan in response. His hands move to my thighs and lifts me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. My heart is beating wildly and I feel like a fire is coursing through me with every contact we make. My eyes open as I feel my body moving backward onto something soft and realize I'd somehow missed us moving into the bedroom. The kiss is finally broken, leaving us both breathing heavily as he stares down at me with a strange mix of emotions in his eyes. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, his hands clenching the sheets on either side of my head as he chews on his lip, then opens his eyes again. The look in his eyes is fading and I can feel the control coming back to me. What is happening to us? 

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