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Kitara Takeda

I follow Kiba around the village as he gathers ingredients for us to make breakfast with. This should be fun. My feet are still bare and slightly cold on the stones but his jacket is surprisingly warm and comfortable. While it does carry the scent of dog, it doesn't smell bad when mixed with his soaps. I wonder if Akamaru will be mad at us for accidentally locking him in my apartment and left him there while we shopped. If anything, he'll just be mad at Kiba. He loves me too much. Now, if only I could get Kiba to fall for me that easily. I'll have to step up my girlfriend game. This has been a bit entertaining though, getting on his nerves. I smirk slightly as I lean up onto my tip toes and plant a small kiss on his cheek. It's disgusting but I get the desired result. His eyes are wide and face red as he freezes, then looks down at me.

"W-What was that?"

"I was showing my affection, Kiba-kun." I grin as I lace my fingers with his and lightly swing our arms as we walk. "Or should I save my affections for private locations?"

He sputters slightly but pulls me away from the market and back toward the apartment without another word. Score one for Kitara.

After picking the lock on my door, we're greeting by a very disgruntled Akamaru. I crouch down in front of him and apologize as I scratch behind his ear, winning him over immediately. Kiba moves to apologize but Akamaru nips at him before walking away. I choke back a laugh and move past Kiba to wipe down the counter tops. As he unloads the bags and starts to search for pans and utensils, I ask what he's going to make.

"This is your apartment, why should I cook? Besides, I'm the one who bought the stuff." He retorts dryly.

"I- Because... I thought you wanted the boyfriend points?" I stutter out, avoiding his gaze.

"Wait a minute, Takeda," my eyes widen as his hand gently lifts my face to look at him. "you don't know how to cook, do you?"

I avert my gaze as I feel my cheeks burn. His hand releases me and he starts to laugh.

"Really? You don't know how to cook? Do you just not eat when your parents aren't around or do you live off ramen like Naruto?"

"I know how to bake... but was never taught to cook."

"So, you don't know how to cook anything?" He asks, his laughter fading. I shake my head.

He sighs and pulls me over to the stove.

"What are you doing? I just said I don't know how to cook." I mumble, still feeling embarrassed.

"You're going to learn how to make omelets today." He answers simply as he takes his jacket from me and tosses it onto the table. "Trust me, it's easy."

I somehow find myself standing between Kiba and the stove as he teaches me how to cook. It's not as hard as I thought it would be, but it is rather distracting having his breath tickling my neck and having him this close to me. It feels way too intimate for my tastes. I'm sure this is all part of his plan though, so I'm not going to let it get to me.

"Thank you for teaching me." I mumble begrudgingly.

"I don't teach for free, Takeda. You owe me cookies for this."

He moves out from behind me to grab a plate and I breathe a quiet sigh of relief as my body relaxes. Once the omelet is safely on the plate, I look to him for help but he gestures for me to do it.

"I showed you how. Now it's your turn."

"But I'm hungry." I whine, staring longingly at the omelet beside me. "I didn't even get my coffee."

He sighs and moves away from the stove and pours a cup of coffee. While his back is turned, I quickly steal a chunk of the omelet and put it into my mouth.

"Here." I stop chewing and look up as the coffee cup appears in my face. "Sit, ea- did you really try to eat my omelet? I was going to be nice and let you eat this one and I'd cook my own, but never mind. You're out of luck now."

I sigh and put the coffee cup down after taking a sip. Kiba settles against the counter again and reaches for the plate but I quickly pick it up and duck around him toward my room. That door locks.

"Really?" I look up at him in shock as he traps me between him and the counter behind me. "Did you think you'd get very far, Takeda?"

"I was hopeful." I answer as I take another bite of the omelet. "Hey, I'm a really good cook."

The plate leaves my hands and disappears behind me before he leans down so we're eye to eye.

"Why did you take my food?"

"Your name wasn't on it and your germs weren't on it either. It was fair game."

"My germs, eh?" He smirks. "You kissed my cheek earlier so wouldn't you be infected already?"

My face heats up despite my willing for it not to. "That's totally different!"

Everything shuts down at once as the distance slowly closes between us. "Well, I can fix that so you won't have to worry about it..."


He smirks suddenly and backs away, the plate in his hands.

I take a deep breath to calm my racing heart and shoot him a glare before returning to the stove. Stupid Kiba and his stupid face. There is no way in Hell I'm letting him win this bet. He's so annoying. I'm just going to make my omelet and it's going to be so much better than that one was. Maybe I'll put raisins in his cookies and say they're chocolate chips. That'll get him...

The Game *Kiba x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now