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30 seconds.

That's all the time Namjoon needed. 

That was more than enough time to rush in, reverse the spell, free Taehyung, and rush back out again before anyone could notice what was missing. 

All Namjoon needed were 30 seconds of quiet and privacy and all the power he could ever dream of would come coursing through his veins at the cost of a brother he wasn't technically related to. 

His plans were slowly falling into place as his feet pattered against the concrete sidewalks that lined the neighborhood. Tensions were rising and falling within him, one hazard after another that could possibly interfere with the perfection of this plan. 

He felt eagerness bubbling inside him like hot water refusing to simmer down.

His breaths were long and heated against the nip in the air and presented themselves in thin cloud-like puffs that circled around his trembling body. 

Namjoon stared somewhat calmly at the brick house presented in front of him, numb fingers just waiting to tear apart the very foundation it was built upon, until he heart a faint voice. 

"Nam- I mean Mr. Kim?" the breathy disembodied voice called anxiously, sounding a regret so clear that even the silent chilled winds heard it and stopped their blowing. 

Namjoon expectantly turned his head around, responding to a voice he knew all to well. 

One that could melt him by a simple hum let alone the calling of his name. 

The way his name rolled off this person's lips like honey, made the cold and crystallized insides of the dark demon thaw until they was nothing but a bowl of warmth and pleasure. 

"Hoseok?" he asked, not wondering if he guessed correctly, but wondering what he was doing accompanying him to such a private place such as another professor's home, "What brings you here...?" 

He continued on, hoping his brain would think of something more to say before his question finished, but all that came was the obvious question that was bound to be asked. 

"I have Mr. Kim, the other one, as a professor now... and I just needed some extra help..." he started, realizing that was a terrible way of explaining it. 

The phrasing of the words shattered the fragile bridge that connected the two and caused the words to sound like bullets aiming straight for Namjoon's already wounded and iced heart. 

"No... no that's not what I meant," he quickly responded to the faint flicker of pain that shone through Namjoon's cold glass eyes. 

"Well then... what DID you mean?" Namjoon challenged, his fruity voice drawing the younger in once again only hoping that the answer is the one he'd been waiting for.

Hoseok could feel himself succumbing to the elder once more, not knowing if it was healthy to repeatedly trust someone who had hurt you over and over again. 

But his brain went numb, and his heart started to cry out for the warmth of the older, and the burning touch of his fingers that danced beautifully across the younger's honey colored skin.

He was vulnerable and caved in, surrendering once more to his powerful forces with a shaky and barely stable voice...

"I ACTUALLY need help and it doesn't matter who offers it..." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 ℑ𝔫 ℌ𝔦𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫Where stories live. Discover now