The Rules Of Trickery

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"I hate being trapped here..." Taehyung started, ranting to no one in particular. 

His "brother" had left him to attend to his bed-ridden soulmate, so he had no form of entertainment. 

His life was usually filled with disappointments similar to this, but for some reason he couldn't help but feel lonelier than usual. 

"I can't even see who bought this house since they didn't bother to look in the garden! Which idiot doesn't look at the garden of a house before buying it? They're the REAL devils." 

He helplessly turned the knob on the television screen about, hoping to get into contact with someone. He was desperately bored, sulking at a lack of victims to torture mentally and physically.

He finally struck lucky when the previously blank screen started to buzz with a shimmer of red flashing lights. Yoongi appeared in front of him with a content look and Taehyung knew he wasn't the only one who struck lucky.

"What happened?" He prodded innocently, though being a devil did not help his case right now.

"Nothing," Yoongi denied with a twisted form of what appeared to be a smile.

Yoongi never smiled...

"What happened hyung?" Taehyung forced, playing by the rules of trickery.

Yoongi sighed before obliging in spilling the details of his magical day, "That boy... I saw him again today. He's just amazing. More than I could ever ask for..."

"Him again? Do you really think Diabolos would approve?" Taehyung reminded him of their alarming older brother whose powers couldn't compare to even a devil's worst nightmares.

"Who cares about Diabolos? He's off drooling over some human too. He even changed his name to a more earth friendly name." Yoongi informed while looking off into the distance, probably recalling the events that happened between him and his newly found "lover".

"He is? Don't tell me the name. It'll erase every inch of respect I built for him." Taehyung joked, despite being shook with surprise at the mention of his most powerful brother lurking behind the very beings they were taught to despise.

"Yeah, Diabolos isn't all what he seems. I think he's trying to use the human to help you. But I really don't know. The human and him seem to be good friends. I've seen them around your place recently. I think he's planning something big to help you escape." Yoongi said with a flicker of hope in his eyes at the thought of reuniting with his younger "brother" who had been trapped in a prison for longer than he could imagine.

"You didn't think of telling me this before?" Taehyung questioned, trying to put out the anxiousness that was burning inside him like a wild fire. 

"I got caught up in my own personal worries. Sorry." he said, though his apology was anything but sincere. Taehyung can't blame him though, he is a devil. 

They aren't made to apologize. 

"When did they start meeting up?" Taehyung interrogated, not wanting to get his hopes too high over what could possibly be false claims.

"About a month or two ago. Remember when I told you Diabolos pretended to be a college professor in order to help father ? During that time, he met this human. The human is an author and one of his books was one Diabolos had to teach about. Diabolos tried killing two birds with one stone and used the book excuse to lure the human in." 

"Does this human know that Diabolos is one of the most powerful beings in the underworld? If so, he isn't going to cooperate with whatever Diabolos has planned. It has to be done with complete consent." Taehyung pointed out. 

Yoongi shook his head solemnly. 

"You really think Diabolos, one of the most powerful beings of the underworld, would tell an average human about his Other Realm status?" 

"Are you helping him too? How come you know this much? Diabolos usually does everything in secret." Taehyung mumbled off to himself, worried that this might not all be as true as he like it to be.

"Diabolos needs help this time. This is a big case. I've help him out with the small things. But he's doing most of the main work since he's the only one, besides father, who can step foot into this building without getting burnt alive." Yoongi chuckled, even though it was a sensitive topic for the both of them.

Taehyung shuddered before continuing, "Do you know his exact plan?" 

Yoongi paused momentarily. 

"Most of it." 

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 ℑ𝔫 ℌ𝔦𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora