The Ruler Of The Underworld

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"Yoongi... hyung?" Taehyung started, his heart rate immediately quickening at the sight of the fellow demon staring with a look of anger on his face.

"All this time you spent, locked away in a stuffy garden, you were gradually growing stronger? And you didn't think to tell me this?!" Yoongi's voice rose as each word slipped through his lips with authority.

Though he'll never hold as much authority as Diabolos or The Ruler Of The Underworld Himself, he still finds pleasure in the fact that he holds power over Taehyung who's age and skills prove him to be weak.

"I wasn't sure of it myself," Taehyung lied through his teeth, knowing his fib would easily fool Yoongi who took Taehyung for an innocent weakling who didn't yet know how to properly make use of his powers.

"I've got to tell Diabolos!" Yoongi exclaimed, overflowing with joy upon hearing his weakling of a brother was finally growing stronger and making him somewhat proud.

"NO!" Taehyung interjected before Yoongi could even finish his exclamation.

Yoongi abruptly halted his celebrations to look his younger "brother" dead in the eye.

"Why... not...?" Yoongi spoke as slowly as possible through gritted teeth, feeling anger consume him at the thought of Diabolos getting the upper hand AGAIN. He just wanted someone to defy Diabolos at least once. So that the arrogant, stuck up jerk would finally be put in his place. Diabolos praises himself too often, and Yoongi is unfortunate enough to have to listen to it constantly. But if his younger brother started growing stronger, it would shut Diabolos up for once.

"B-because we don't know if it's certain... I don't think I did it correctly," Taehyung blabbered, stressed at the stubborn Yoongi, whose ultimate goal was to destroy Diabolos' arrogance.

Though he was attracted by the idea of beating Diabolos, he was afraid of being embarrassed. Plus, he realized Taehyung was somewhat right. A young demon's powers can rise and fall mindlessly, sometimes it means nothing.

So they would just have to wait this one out.



It had been a while since Seokjin had a proper night sleep without interruptions from his stories that practically pleaded to be continued and revised.

But the jumble of voices coming from his recently discovered flower garden, kept him from falling into his well-deserved slumber.

Putting on his fluffy white bunny slippers that sat expectantly underneath his bed, and throwing on the thin sweater he kept near his bedside table, he shuffled his feet towards the closed door.

A puff of air left his mouth as he reluctantly dragged his feet down the wooden stairs that creaked as his bunny slippers hit them.

The light in the garden was on and Seokjin watched as shadows shuffled within. He slowly turned the brass knob, expecting to see Taehyung tucked away between the soft sheets and pillows he laid out for him.

Instead he found Taehyung pacing from one corner of the garden to another anxiously, mid sentence.

The last word slipped between Taehyung's lips as his eyes fell upon Seokjin, whose presence was alarming.


𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔇𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 ℑ𝔫 ℌ𝔦𝔰 𝔊𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum