Heaven And Beyond

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"Oh... um," he stuttered, drowning in embarrassment and awkwardness, "If you already found the perfect guy... why'd you just kiss me?"

Taehyung shifted uncomfortably at this sudden but quite expected question.

He didn't know how to tell Seokjin.

"I did it just to see how it felt..." he revealed honestly, shoulders shrugging as the phrase left his mouth.

And it felt like heaven and beyond

But Taehyung forgot to tell him that part.

Seokjin gulped back his anguish and blinked back his tears, plastering a fake smile onto his face and getting up at once.

"Wait... where are you going?" Taehyung questioned to a Seokjin who refused to turn around.

"To bed." He replied, back still facing Taehyung.



"And that's why authors sometimes prefer switching perspectives. To help the reader better understand the plot and characters feelings," Namjoon explained to his students who were feeling an array of emotions from boredom and ultimate interest.

A shy gulp came from the entrance of his rather large classroom.

Turning slowly, expecting to see the once again late Jeon Jungkook, he was fortunately met with Kim Seokjin instead.

"Seokjin!" He exclaimed as the younger smiled, illuminating the natural pink blush that filled his cheeks.

"I hope I'm not interrupting..." he trailed off before Namjoon ran to him, pulling his arm out the door and shutting the door afterword.

All with a relieved smile on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Um..." Seokjin fumbled, unable to phrase his problem and instead digging his toe into the tiles of the hall floor, "none of my students showed up..."

Namjoon, whose breath got caught in his throat while pondering of all the things Seokjin could've said, was pleased it was something else.

"Oh.... haha I know how to get them to come,"

Leading his way towards the main office where the speaker was located, he bravely spoke into the microphone.

Live for the whole school.

"Students of Mr. Kim Seokjin's class must all report to room WWH100. They will be missing their pop quiz worth a large percentage of their grade if they decide to skip,"

And with that, Seokjin could hear the anxious pitter pattering of dozens of feet as they raced towards Seokjin's room.

Namjoon flashed a dazzling and proud smile and asked, "anything else?"

Seokjin shook his head with a smile creeping its way onto his face.

"Thank you," he muttered out nervously before racing to his classroom along with students.



"How was your first day?" Namjoon asked, voice like honey.

Same sharp jawline, threatening and misleading.

Same sun-kissed skin, dewy and smooth as satin.

Same warm mocha brown eyes engulfing Seokjin's very presence.

Same pearly white smile radiating kindness.

It was the same old goofy Namjoon again.

"It was good I guess..." he spoke slowly, still feeling guilty for pushing Namjoon away.

"You seem a bit off today, if it's because of last night... I'm extremely sorry." He apologized sincerely once more, traveling across piles of papers to take Seokjin's hands into his own.

Seokjin's face heated up from Namjoon's sincerity and he hid his face behind the towers of sheets piling atop his desk.

"It's not-" Seokjin started before the memories of yesterday came flashing back.

Not the ones with Namjoon however.

The ones with Taehyung.

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