The Dark World

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Seokjin's mocha-colored eyes were filled to the brim with admiration as they shifted from Taehyung's intrigued face to the TV and back. It was the first time they had ever cuddled on Seokjin's couch together. Previously they had only laid on the garden floor and although they were comfortable in each other's arms, the occasional prick of a thorn would alarm both of them. But now they were finally rid of that. They could finally sit, their bodies weaved together as their soft gentle breaths mingled with the calm and soothing atmosphere that filled the quiet apartment.

Seokjin, who was sitting so close to Taehyung that even air particles couldn't squeeze between them, had his head resting on the devil's broad chest. Taehyung's warm and bulky arm, which was thrown over the writer's shoulder, engulfed Seokjin as his chin rested lightly atop the human's disheveled hair.

The only sound to fill the quiet apartment was the sound of the TV that played on while Seokjin watched a different type of scenery.

He gazed up at Taehyung, who despite having watched other movies with Seokjin, was quite fascinated by the movie playing because Seokjin had said it was one of his favorites. The demon's eyes, which were a beautifully tempting shade of brown, shone with an unquenchable curiosity that sculpted his whole face. Seokjin sighed with satisfaction at the devil's gorgeous eyes alone before looking back to the movie. Taehyung noticed Seokjin's gazing after hearing a faint breath leave his lips. In attempts to make the human even more infatuated, he licked his lips intently and bit them softly as a way to tease the other. But when looking back at his partner, he noticed his droopy eyelids were barely able to keep themselves glued to the screen.

Taehyung chuckled slightly before turning off the TV, which Seokjin taught him how to do, and attempting to stand up. However, he could not even pick himself off the couch because Seokjin was basically glued to him. Not that he was complaining or anything but their legs were so intertwisted that it would take days to separate them. He chuckled for the second time before carefully untangling himself from Seokjin who was desperately clinging to Taehyung's shirt. Noticing the sleepy state of the older male, Taehyung promptly picked up Seokjin off the couch and walked towards the stairway. He tried to make sure to lay Seokjin's head against his chest however Taehyung's arm was tucked underneath Seokjin's back and his other arm was holding Seokjin's legs. Because of this the older male's head limply fell to the side and bounced up and down as Taehyung walked up the stairs. However, all that movement somehow did not manage to wake the older male once and he stayed asleep.

Taehyung, relieved that he managed to carry Seokjin without waking him up, laid him on his perfectly made bed, and tucked the white comforters gently up to Seokjin's chin. Then the demon eagerly climbed into the opposite side of the bed as if out of habit.

Seokjin, who had noticed the sudden overwhelming warmth coming from the devil, shifted in his sleep to pull this warmth closer to him. Taehyung gladly accepted Seokjin's soft tugs on his shirt and inched closer to the human who was softly snoring with his head now tucked in close to the devil's neck.

Taehyung felt his face burn up at the feel of Seokjin's soft heaving against his skin and couldn't help but contain a precious smile that shone through the darkness of the unlit bedroom. A warm and blissful feeling of genuine happiness filled his chest and he pulled Seokjin even closer as his eyes fluttered shut and a breath of satisfaction left his lips. 


It was close to midnight and Namjoon sat restlessly on the stairs in front of Hoseok's apartment. The rain pattered down in front of him, just barely missing the tips of Namjoon's shoes, and stained the green grass surrounding the apartment with a clear coating similar to the way tears coat one's face. Namjoon stared blankly at the stone pathway in front of him trying to process the events from earlier today.

"I did it. I removed the curse father." Diabolos sighed, only the top of his head showing as he was unsure of how to approach his father.

"Good. Well, where is that little runt? The festival is inching closer and-" his father rumbled while rejoicing until Diabolos dared to cut him off.

"I wish to clarify something, father," Diabolos started smirking, his tone changing with the last word, "I was the one who cast the spell on the garden. I trapped him there for all these years. I did it for none other than the petty reason of jealousy of Orpheus and greed. Those emotions got so powerful they swallowed up my conscience as well. But I recently realized... I don't want to keep being this kind of person. I have finally regained my sight that was stained by your selfish wants and can see how Orpheus looks up to me and how those humans we look down on were not all entirely garbage as everyone here believes. I am done, doing your bidding and being put down for having a conscience. I'm fully aware I am a demon and that it seems like nonsense for me to give that up and attempt to live with humans. But I can no longer ruin the lives of others constantly. I no longer wish to be a demon, an occupation that is so unfulfilling. I wish to be a demon who lives amongst humans and no longer participate in such activities as we do down here. So I let Orpheus go from the garden, but I didn't bring him here. He's up in the real world and he's free. And I will NOT let you do any harm to him. He's my brother."

Namjoon finished powerfully while drawing in a large breath and turning his back to the dark world he knew so well. The same dark world that often swallowed his wallowing soul and was the reason for his miseries. The dark world he once called home. He was finally rid of it, and could feel a weight being lifted from his shoulders and soul.

As he walked away, there was absolute silence.

Nothing but the sound of his heels clicking against the cold stone floor.

"Hoseok..." the retired demon muttered while rubbing his eyes and tapping his foot impatiently against the floor. His leg bounced up and down as he recalled their most recent argument where Namjoon pushed Hoseok away yet again. There was no justification for what he had done. But he was no longer the same person he used to be, and he wanted to show Hoseok that now. All he wanted was for Hoseok to be happy and no longer be hurt.

He continued to blankly stare ahead feeling tenseness and nervousness swallowing him until he heard a familiar voice pipe up from behind him which came from Hoseok's apartment.

"Mr. Kim? What are you doing here? Why are you at my house at this hour? Wait... is it to drag me back to your horrible English class? Because if that's the case, I'd rather go to hell." 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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