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- Matthew's POV -

"Are you alright?" Was the first thing I asked when I heard his voice.

"I'm fine, Mattie," Gilbert replied through the phone, "I just have a headache,"

I frowned, "You should get some rest. You've been having headaches for a while. Have you gone to see a doctor?"

"Uh, no" He answered honestly, "But don't worry. I feel awesome,"

I frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah..." he said in an unusual tone that made me think he was lying.

"Do you want me to come over?"

"No", he immediately responded, but then he paused, "Actually, let's go out"

"Really? Are you sure? You should rest?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Mattie" he responded, trying to sound better, "I'd rather be with you than be stuck in my room the whole day. I mean, I just like being with you in general"

I smiled, "Alright, I'll see you later"

Gilbert greeted me a tight hug when he saw me waiting by the entrance of the coffee shop.

"Woah," the grip almost knocked the air out of me, "I missed you too, but no need to kill me, Gil"

"Aw come on, Mattie" he chuckled, "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Whatever" I smiled at him, "Sorry, it's been a bit hectic in my house and life in general,"

"So you've told,"

We started to walk nowhere in particular. We did this often, as Gilbert told me he rather not stay in the coffee shop as often. I wondered why but didn't want to intrude. He didn't act different, so I didn't worry.

"My father is paranoid lately. He never leaves the house. When I asked about his work, he simply told me they let him work at home or some other excuse. It's weird. And Alfred is also acting weird-"

"Did you say 'Alfred'?" Gilbert interrupted me.

"Yeah? My friend. Remember the guy I was at the coffee shop at when we first met?"

He blinked and then shrugged, "Oh, yeah. I forgot his name,"

"Has your memory been hazy again?"

Gilbert sighed, "Yeah... but I'm fine. Don't worry, Mattie,"

I looked at him, "Have you remembered anything?"

Gilbert hesitated, "Not much, to be honest. But I'll let you know if I do,"

"You better," I could tell he was lying. Or at least that he doesn't want to tell me. He looked distracted. He was acting weird too. I haven't seen him in a while, so maybe that's why.

"So what happened with Alfred?"

"Hm?" I remembered, "Oh, yeah. He doesn't want to go to work. There was a guy he was in love with and he turned out to be a ghoul. He's really bummed about it but he looks conflicted more than anything. I don't know what he would do if he sees him again,"

Gilbert frowned, "What do you mean? I thought you said he loved him?"

"Yes but he's an agent for the CCG. His whole job is to kill ghouls. He always said that he wanted to make the world a better place by capturing them. I'm not sure if he's more heartbroken over the fact that he can't find Kiku or that he's a ghoul-"

"Kiku?" He repeated.

"Yeah, that was his name," I looked up at him, "Do you happen to have seen him? He used to go to the coffee shop with Alfred a lot. He has black hair-"

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