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- Hercules' POV -

"And then she said that the man behind her was her brother but he was human so that confused me," I was talking to Kiku in his room about a girl who wanted information from me. I don't usually talk a lot but I enjoy having conversations with Kiku. I laid on his bed while petting the cat on my lap and Kiku was looking at some figures, "And then it got weirder when she said she was a Kol Clan ghoul,"

"Oh really?" Kiku nodded and trailed off while still examining the figure.

I raised an eyebrow and continued, "Yes. An Ex member of the Kol Clan ghoul talked to me. You know, the most dangerous type of ghouls in the whole country?" I said slowly while watching Kiku's reaction.

"That's interesting," Kiku said quietly. I sat up next to him and squinted my eyes at him. I know he doesn't really talk much either but he was distant in this talk.

"Well, I almost died yesterday," I said randomly to see his reaction.

"That's great," he said, still not focusing.

"You're not even paying attention to me, Kiku!" I finally raised my voice and made him look up at me.

He shook his head and sighed, "Gomen'nasai Hercules. I just had a lot in my mind recently,"

"Oh..." I said quietly, "I noticed there something was off about you. Do you wanna talk?"

Kiku took a deep breath and close his eyes, "I... I saw him again..."



I felt my heart pound from seeing how scared Kiku was to state the name out loud. I was the only one who knew about his past since I was his only friend. So I was the only one who knew about the incident he had with a human family and the man who took him in, "You saw him again? What happened,"

Kiku got tensed and started explaining, "I was at Feliciano's coffee shop with Alfred a couple days ago,"

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes when Kiku said the CCG agent's name but nodded for him to continue.

"And I panicked when I saw him. Right outside the shop. He looked older and had longer hair but I could recognize him. I felt the same panicking sensation like those years ago," He continued quietly and looked down.

"Are you sure it was him? I thought you came here because it was far from where he lived?"

"It was him. It was confirmed when Alfred noticed him and told me he knew him from the CCG as a coworker,"

"Did Alfred notice something wrong about you?"

"Yes," Kiku looked up at the ceiling, "I told him he must never mention Yao about me or have him see me,"

"Did he question you?"

"Yes. But I told him to trust me that I couldn't tell him. I made him promise not to question about it anymore," Kiku said with a small, sad smile, "I don't like keeping secrets from him but he said he was alright with not knowing,"

I couldn't help but look away, "You sure trust him too much..." I muttered.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

I hesitated and shook my head, "Nevermind,"

Kiku shrugged and looked down at the figure in his hands, "Speaking of which, do you think he would like this? I found it and was able to fix it. I already have a Levi figure so I thought he would like it since he said he was his favorite from AOT,"

I shrugged back and glared at the figure, "How am I suppose to know? You're the one who hangs out with him. Not me,"

I flopped down on the bed again, looking at the paws of the cat in front of me. Kiku laid down next to me and gave me a confused expression, "Is there something wrong Hercules? You're usually not this moody. Did Sadik did something to upset you?"

"No..." I mumbled and looked away from his eyes.

"Is this about Alfred?" He said bluntly.

My breath hitched and I turned my head away from his direction, "Why would you think that?"

"Because every time I talk about him, you get upset," He said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Don't think I haven't notice,"

"I'm surprised you noticed since we barely hang out since he became your 'hero' or whatever," I commented.

Kiku chuckled, "See? That's exactly what I'm talking about,"

"Fine," I gave in, "I don't trust him,"

"Why not?"

"Kiku, have you forgotten? He is a human. We are ghouls. And most importantly, he is a Dove. A member of the CCG who are trying to capture and kill our kind,"

Kiku looked down again, "I know that. I didn't want to trust him but for some reason... He just has a smile that seems like the brightest thing in the world... Like it's too good to be true,"

He sighed and started spacing out again. I frowned and waved my hand to regain his focus, "If you ask me, you're getting too close,"

"W-what do you mean?" He finally got alert and his eyes went wide.

"Kiku... You're the closest friend I have," I said while staring into his eyes, "Tell me the truth. He is not just a friend to you?... Is he?"

He opened his mouth to say something but he froze. I was also tense while waiting for his answer. I didn't want to hear him say yes. I hoped he didn't say yes. Because I knew that for me, Kiku was more than a friend. And I wanted to protect him. He was only getting into more danger by leading on a human who could betray him any minute.

"I..." Kiku finally managed to respond, "I don't know. Maybe?" He looked away and his face got red.

I tried to look away but I couldn't tear my eyes off Kiku, my only friend and the one who I had a crush on for the longest time. I instead focused on my cat who meowed, snapping me away from my daze.

Kiku finally looked down on his phone. I glanced at him and saw him smile and right away knew he was probably texting Alfred. I pouted and looked away. I laughed quietly when I realized that I was jealous. Extremely Jealous.



Short chapter again, and more of a filler,, sorry!!

Also, Drama. (Sorry Hercules,,, I swear this boi is about to throw hands)

Unrequited feelings is my favorite type of angst, whoops :,^)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I appreciate all comments and votes and I'll see ya next update! (★^O^★)

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