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- Matthias' POV -

I stood there, trying my best not to show displeasure at the sight in front of me. I refrained from shaking the man's hand and simply responded, "I'm Matthias,"

The shorter man gasped, "Oh, Berwald has mentioned you. You're his brother, right?"

"I thought I was," I muttered darkly under my breath while staring at him. He glared at me as if he was warning me to control my temper.

Tino coughed awkwardly and glanced at his husband with a troubled look in his dark eyes, as if he already knew what the situation between us was.

Which wouldn't surprise me if Berwald really did told him about his life. It would be hard to keep a secret as big as being a cannibal monster away from your spouse. But it did surprised me that he would even mention me.

The man faked a smile and looked down to his son, "Come on, Peter. We should go home now,"

"But we just got here-"

"It's late," Berwald sternly stated to make Peter understand.

But the boy insisted on staying and walked up to me, "So are you like my dad?"

The question caught me off guard, wondering how much did this kid knew. Tino pulled him away and looked at me which an expression I couldn't figure out. If I had to guess, he was afraid of me and what I would do to his son. It was almost like a threat to me, as if he was testing me if I would react. He kindly faced his son, "Say goodbye now,"

The boy smiled at me, "Goodbye, Uncle Matthias!"

I waved back, "See ya, kid,"

I decided then that the boy was alright. He was bold and aware and it reminded me of myself. I wouldn't dare to hurt him due to the fact I have a soft spot for children, both human and ghoul. He was alright in my book.

Tino and Peter left Berwald and I in an awkward situation.

"So..." I started off, "I never got a wedding invite,"


"No," I interrupted, "When Emil was in danger, we decided that we would run away as a family. But you decided to be too much of a coward, saying that change is the worst possible option. And yet, here you are. Berwald, once a terrifying ghoul and my best friend is now a suburban, family friendly pal, married and has a kid. Don't, we all love an interesting character development?"

"Can you be mature about this?"

"What pisses me off the most is that you never bothered to find us. You said you wanted no trouble so you stayed behind. And now, it turns out you changed your mind! But you didn't give a single shit to look for us!"

"I had no way to find you!" Berwald started to argue back, "You all left without telling me anything. It wasn't until then when I realized I should have done the same. And I did. But after being on my own with no sign of any of you, I met Tino and-"

I laughed spitefully at the mention of the human, "You know, we haven't been able to eat for a while because of your husband and you,"

Berwald's expression went from angry to extremely confused, "What on earth are you talking about now?"

"You know exactly what, you traitor. It seems like everytime Lukas and I are about to make a kill, your husband is somehow 'doing his duty as a cop' in the same place. It has become too much of a coincidence,"

"Are you blaming me because of that?" Berwald asked, "I swear I had no idea that you even lived around here and I don't interfere with Tino doing his job. And if I did, I wouldn't sunk so low to snitch on my own family,"

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