The Girl

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- Roderich's POV -

Right when Elizabetha and I stood up to go upstairs, we heard a knock from the door. I turned to see Gilbert waving from the outside. I went over to open it and glared at him, "Where have you been all day?"

"Hey, it was my day off! I wanted to explore the town a bit,"

"You better be careful, Gilbert," Elizabetha added on, "You know what our rules are,"

"Yeah, yeah," Gilbert shrugged and smirked, "Feli sent me a message that there's a new guest here. Is that true?"

I nodded in response, "A ghoul asked for room so she'll stay here,"

"That's awesome!" Gilbert exclaimed excitedly, "When can I meet her?"

"She's upstairs. I'll introduce you two,"

Gilbert followed me as we walked to our rooms. When I got to the door, I knocked, "Lily? Can you come out for a moment? There's someone here who wants to see you,"

The young girl opened the door and peeked out, "Hi Roderich,"

She closed the door behind her and faced Gilbert.

"Gilbert, this is Lily. She will staying with us,"

Lily smiled at him politely, "Hello. It's nice meeting you,"

Gilbert's mood changed and he stepped back slowly, "Hi..."

"Is there something wrong, Gilbert?"

The ghoul shook his head and faked a smile, "I'm fine. I... I am going to my room,"

With that, he took off and closed the door.

"Did I upset him?..." Lily said quietly.

"I don't think so," I assured her, "Gilbert usually is friendly with new people. I'll go see what is going on. You should sleep. We'll be training you for cafe business in the morning,"

Lily still looked worried but nodded, "Alright, Roderich. Goodnight,"


I watched her go back to her room and sighed. I slowly walk towards Gilbert's room and knocked. I waited for a couple of seconds until he opened the door slightly, letting me see his face through the crack.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow.

His eyes glanced away and shrugged, "I'm fine. Why would there be something wrong?"

"I've only known you for a few days Gilbert but I know that you're being unusually quiet and distant. You were full of energy when you got here,"

Gilbert took a deep breath and peeked out the door and then opened the door all the way, "Can we talk?"

I nodded and closed the door behind me as I entered the room. Gilbert sat on his bed, taking the small bird he took in as a pet on his lap, "To be honest with you, I don't like that girl,"

"Lily?" My eyes widen in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"You're gonna think I'm ridiculous,"

"I already do. But in all seriousness, what's wrong?"

Gilbert hesitated but then nodded, "You know how I don't remember anything of my past? Well, I sometimes have been having random flashes of visions that I think are my memories,"

"So you're remembering things?"

"I think so... But it happens when something, like, triggers it," Gilbert looked down, deep in concentration, "The other time, I heard someone's name and I remembered a little boy. Maybe that's his name? But it happens at random moments and it's always something small..."

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