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- Lily's POV -

It was early dawn by the time we got to the other side of the town.

The sun was barely rising when we arrived to Armonia. It was small coffee shop and there was a second floor. My brother was behind me.

"They open at 8..."

"What time is it?"

"7 AM..."

Vash sighed as he leaned against the wall of the building and slid down to sit. I sat next to him, "What are we going to do when they take us in?" I asked to stop the silence.

"Us?" Vash raised an eyebrow, "Lily, you heard that ghoul. They won't take me in. I'll stay in a hotel or something but you will stay here,"

I looked at him in surprise, "But big brother! I don't want to be away from you!"

"Lily, you are 16, almost 17, and are more than capable to take care of yourself. In case you don't remember, if and when the CCG find out about my betrayal, they will chase me down as well. It's safer to be separated for now. And they can give you resources here. You'll get hungry at some point..."

I nodded sadly, "Fine... But what will I tell them? Not everyone wants to be associated with a Kol ghoul..."

"Then don't tell them. Just say you're new to the town and need food and a place to stay. According to the Lynx, they are friendly,"

I nodded slowly and quietly said, "I don't like being separated from you..."

"I know," he responded softly, "But you had taken care of yourself before, remember? Now, don't forget. Do not trust anybody else. These ghouls may be nice if they take you in, but you don't know them. They could be a chance they are not all that friendly,"

I nodded, understanding what he meant. We stayed there for a half an hour until he finally stood up, "They're going to open up soon. I'll go and find somewhere to stay. Call me when you have the chance, Lily,"

I hugged him tightly and he hesitantly pulled away, "Stay safe,"

"You too, Vash," I responded and he started walking away.

I sat down again and waited. About 15 minutes later, a woman opened the curtains from the windows. I stood up and waved at her as she noticed me when she turned the sign from 'Closed' to 'Open'.

She opened the door for me and smiled, "Hello there. We don't usually have costumers this early when we open,"

I slowly entered and smiled back, "Actually, I need to talk to the owner of this place. It's urgent,"

The woman went behind the counter and signaled me to sit, "I'm one of the owners. I'm Elizabetha,"

I sat down and shook her hand, "My name's Lily,"

"What do you need to talk about?" Elizabetha continued, "Let me guess. Is it about my waiters? Well, I apologize for Lovino's attitude, Gilbert's clumsiness, and Feliciano's- Well, I won't apologize for  Feliciano. He is an angel,"

I chuckled and suddenly felt nervous, "Actually, it's something else... The Lynx sent me here..."

Elizabetha's eyes widen at the mention of the Ghoul's Nickname and then narrowed them, "Oh, did he?... Well, if he talked to you, it must be mean he trusts you... And that you're like us,"

I nodded and revealed my one ghoul eye and converted it back once she understood, "He told me this café usually give help to ghouls. I don't have a place to stay and I'm new to this part of town,"

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