Another Day

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-Arthur's POV-

Well, shit.

Alfred had the day off and I had to go to work while he oversleeps and be a lazy ass.


Now I had to go to work and deal with paperwork, discussions, and annoying people like-

"Bonjour, Arthur~"

For fuck's sake.

"Morning, Frog,"

"I see you didn't have much sleep. You should really cover up those bags under your eyes,"

"Fuck off, Francis. I was working late,"

"I heard you got attacked by ghouls in a junkyard,"

"You read my reports?"

"Hey, I couldn't help it! You were sleeping on your desk when you were writing them and I had a small peek!"

"Whatever. Yes, I had an incident with two ghouls when walking with Alfred on our way home,"

"And Alfred is having his day off today, right?"

"Yes. Anyways, the two ghouls were from Kol Klan,"

"Ah yes. Do you know I was able to stop the leader of the Kol Klan?"

"Yes, Francis. You don't stop bragging about it everyday,"

"It is an honorable act! And I know your kid is interested in the Kol Klan as well,"

"Yeah, but Alfred is an idiot who thinks it's fun to beat up ghouls. What about your kid?"

"Matthew? Well, he is still studying. I don't think he wants to go into the CCG,"

"I understand. Not everybody would want to risk their lives and fight monsters. Also, Matthew is too peaceful to handle this,"

"I guess. I wouldn't want him to get hurt,"

We spent the rest of the morning talking. Usually, Alfred bothers me and works with me but when he is not here, Francis takes his place. I don't hate Francis. There are just times where he gets on my nerves.

"So Arthur, what are you doing after work?"

"I'm going home to see if Alfred is still asleep and go back to work,"

"You're so boring at times, Arthur. Maybe we can go out tonight and-"


"Oh, come on, Arthur!"

"You ask me every time and I always deny. Why are you so annoying?"

"I wouldn't call it annoying. More like determined,"

"Determined to make my life hell?"

"Why won't you go out with me?"

"You know exactly why!"

"And I said I was sorry!"

"No, Francis! You just don't just flirt with 10 people at a time hoping one of them will fall for you,"

"Those are are rumors! Won't you give me a chance?"


We were both silent at the moment.

"I got an idea,"

"Francis, no. All your ideas are bad,"

"Let's make a bet!"

"Do you not understand what no means?! Do you want me to say it in bloody French?!"

"Come on, listen to me!"

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