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- Emil's POV -

"It's almost midnight..." I whispered to Leon as we walked through the junkyard, trying to find a place to relax, "We can go back to your place instead of being out in the cold in a pit of garbage,"

Leon shook his head and made a teasing smile, "You're scared, Emil?"

"I'm not scared,"

"Scared of your brother catching you or something? I'm surprised he hasn't asked about you in a while. He's always on your ass about going out,"

"I know... Meanwhile, it seems like your brother doesn't give a shit if you're hanging around in a broken down junkyard,"

Leon kicked a piece of trash and down on a chair that was somehow still intact, "It's not that he doesn't care. It's just he's too busy to notice,"

I decided to let the conversation go and sat down on the dirt in front of him, "So, now what? We're just gonna sit in the stink to wait?"

"Yes," responded Leon with enthusiasm, "He must appear tonight,"

"I hope soon cause I don't want to stay here for long..." I said, jokingly. Truth was that I hoped that he wouldn't show up. I watched Leon play around his camera before actually starting to take photographs of random items from the piles of infinite trash.

"Hey Emil?"

"Hm?" I looked up and instantly was greeted by a flashing light from the camera, "Hey!"

I yelled in annoyance and watched him giggle and looked down at the screen. His laughter died away and stared at the device with a confused look, "What is it?"

I asked him but he shook his head, "Oh, nothing. You just look ugly,"

I punched his shoulder and went over to see the picture but he quickly pulled the camera away from me, "I deleted it, don't worry,"

I looked at him with concerned. I knew it was odd for him to act weird. He usually was an open book. I decided it was because of the fact that we were in a dark junkyard and he was finally slightly worried. I shrugged it off and suddenly, we heard voices from feet away.

We peeked over the pile of garbage that we used as a barrier, seeing the source of the voices.

"Well, this is where I have to leave you..." Said a young man. His back was facing us, but I recognized the dark blue cloak he wore from the stories Lukas would tell me of the terrifying Kol Clan. I knew these were ghouls.

The smaller one looked at his companion with fear and trembled, "I won't survive... I have no where to go.."

"Are they ghouls?" Leon whispered to me. I shushed him, worried that they'll be able to notice us.

The older man sighed and pushed his blonde hair back and looked around. I caught a glimpse of his ghoul eyes and pushed Leon down, hoping he did not see us.

"I got to go, Raivis. I wish you well,"

"Please, don't! I have no one!" The younger started to cry. Leon and I peeked over again, the younger ghoul's face was now visible. He looked a bit younger than us.

"You know very well that O can't help traitors," The Kol Clone ghoul said firmly, yet looked torn on what to do, "But I heard of a place where they might take you in..."

The ghoul started explaining where the other one had to go, "Ask for Elizabetha. She was once a friend of mine,"

"You're sure she will help me?..."

"Of course, kid. She won't resist your awkward teenage charms,"

Raivis managed to crack a sad smile and hugged the older one, "Thanks for giving me a second chance in this horrible life, Feliks..."

Feliks did not respond and held him tightly. In which they finally let go, he said, "I'll take you halfway to Armonia. We might find something to eat on the way,"

Raivis nodded and started walking alongside the other ghoul.

Leon and I looked at each other, "Did you hear their conversation?"

"Yeah. We were too close to them. We should just go home, Leon,"

Leon furrowed his eyebrows, "What? No. If they're ghouls around, that means so can Kuro. Let's talk to them,"

It was my turn to be in shock, "Talk to them?! Are you insane? Did you not see they are ghouls?"

"And did you not see their conversation? They know of a place where ghouls live. Maybe Kuro is there. And they looked like kind people with feelings..." Leon frowned, "Just like Kuro,"

I stared at him with disbelief, "Yeah, but Kuro killed your family,"

I bit my tongue in regret when Leon looked up at me with anger and sadness. I knew I had struck a nerve, "Shit, sorry,"

He shook his head, "Whatever, I guess you have a point. But it won't hurt to try,"

"They literally just said 'We might find something to eat'. I don't think they are looking for a teenage boy asking for questions,"

"Well, I've been looking for you," Said a familiar voice in the distance. I look up in fear to realize it was my brother, "L-Lukas,"

"Oh, shit," Leon whispered, "That's your brother?"

Lukas came forward, with his usual stoic face. He didn't look angry, more like worried, "I see you two have been out late. Who's this?"

"A friend from school, Leon Wang," I answered, worried what Lukas will say or do.

Leon waved, shyly. Lukas didn't respond to his gesture and looked at me, "Emil, you know I hate for you to be out so late,"

I didn't respond, silently hoping he didn't know about what we were talking about.

"It would be terrible if something horrible happened to you two. Especially with all these ghoul sightings recently. Isn't that right, Leon?" He asked him with a chilling voice.

It worked on Leon, seeing that he gulped before he answered, "Yes, sir,"

Lukas stayed quiet and started to walk towards the exit of the junkyard, "Come on. I'll take you home,"

Leon and I reluctantly followed, being earshot away from my brother.

"You were right about him," Leon started, "I wouldn't disobey your brother,"

I started to walk faster to catch up to Lukas, who turned on his car and was about to get in, "Why did you have to scare my friend?"

I notice him smirk, "It's my favorite thing to do as my role as your big brother,"

I rolled my eyes and climbed to the passenger side. He turned to me, "We're going to have a talk at home,"

Leon climbed into the car and sat down in his seat. I held my breath, already thinking about the scolding I will get.


Hetalia GhoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora