The Revenge Deal

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QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE: Lien is Vietnam, Kasem is Thailand, Yong Soo is South Korea, Mei is Taiwan, and Leon is Hong Kong

- Yao's POV -

It's little later than midnight when I woke up. Someone knocked on the door and made me panic. I quickly get off the bed and make my way to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw the person I didn't want to see.

Reluctantly, I opened the door, "Toris. Feliks. What are you two doing here?"

The two ghouls stayed hidden in the shadows but their capes made it obvious they were the Kol Clan.

"Have you heard about Katyusha's death, dear Yao?" Feliks responded sarcastically.

"It's actually big news back in Headquarters, Feliks. Now what are you doing here?" I responded with the same tone.

"You're coming with us. You need to meet someone. Katyusha's deal is not off just because she's dead,"

"I would assume so... Let me just leave a note to make sure if Leon wakes up, he doesn't wonder where I am,"

"Hurry up then. We have a car waiting for you,"

I quickly get dressed and leave a note for Leon, saying that I was called into Headquarters. He doesn't question my job too much and he mostly sticks to his own business, but I don't want him knowing about my relationships with the Kol Clan.

After that, I stepped into the car and they drove. No one stays out after dark knowing ghouls are around. This car was the only sign of life.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Katyusha would still want you and the deal alive, Mr. Wang. She wanted you to meet her brother,"

"Right. I thought so. Ravis did mention that the Kol Clan would continue because of her siblings. The CCG still thinks they are unidentified,"


"He was captured a couple days ago and was questioned. But I shouldn't be giving you information. That is business between me and your precious leader,"

"I told you that kid was going to rat us out, Toris,"

"Your clan is extremely loyal to each other, aren't you?"

"Indeed. But traitors aren't seen as kindly,"

"I know..."

The rest of the ride was quiet. Toris and Feliks were the only ghouls I interacted with besides Katyusha. Whenever she needed me, Toris and Feliks would come for me or tell me where to meet. I had a tiny bit of hope that when she died, I wouldn't have to do this anymore. I have so many regrets making this deal even if I know I can't let it go because my end hasn't been fulfilled. But as years went by without any sign of this coming to an end, I just felt like a prisoner to them. I am traitor to humanity and to the CCG. And I know this new leader won't be as merciful.

Finally, we had arrived to the familiar abandoned building. Or what seems to be abandoned. It was actually home to hundreds of dangerous ghouls. Toris guided me inside while Feliks walked behind me. After ten years, they still don't trust me? The building seemed to be empty. Most of them were probably hunting. Climbing to the the top floor by stairs, was the room where Katyusha and her siblings would stay. She would never let me meet any other ghoul but herself and my "guides" to protect them.

Toris carefully knocked on the door, "Sir, Mr. Wang has arrived,"

A voice from the other inside responded, "Come in...". His voice had a similar accent to Katyusha.

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