The Battle With Too High A Cost

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The room had devolved into chaotic fighting. The team was getting pummeled.

"Has anyone seen Kid Idiot?" Artemis asked.

And there was still no sign of Wally. Suddenly, the Zeta beams lit up.

"Batman 02."

"Martian Manhunter 07."

"Flash 04."

"Aquaman 27."

"Red Tornado 16."

"Black Canary 13."

"Superman 01."

The team jolted in surprise, and Percy, who had been fighting Nico, pressed a pressure point. Next thing Nico knew, his world went black.


"We're going to save him, right?" Wally's begging eyes tore at the leader's heart.

"The League said not to." Aqualad said sternly.

"But -" Wally started, only for Aqualad to smile.

"But I'm leaving the decision to you."

The others nodded, determined.

"Plus," Robin smirked, "I know where he is." He opened a computer, revealing a red dot Just off the coast of Alaska, "I never thought I'd have to use it, but I hacked the tracker Batman 'secretly' injected in him. Bats disabled his ability to track his location shortly after he removed the inhibitor collar, but it didn't stop it from transmitting it to me."

"Then, we're in agreement?" Aqualad asked.

The group nodded with determined expressions.

"Let's go save Nico."

Unknown Location
September 8th
11:30 am

It was cold - that was the first thing he realized.

The second thing was that he was chained.

The third thing was that he was trapped in some kind of ice room with shackles tying him to the ground. He looked at his clothing, seeing that his captors had at least put him in a warm jacket, but it wasn't enough for the frigid cold.

"How are you, Nico?"

Nico summoned the shadows, but they wouldn't bend to his will. He panicked - what had they done to him?

"We're in the land beyond the gods. Your powers won't work." Percy explained, "Can you please just do it? Bring her back? Please, Nico?"

Nico shook his head, fear and terror taking over his every being as he curled into himself..

"Please Nico? We don't have to do this." Percy picked up a dagger, "We can be friends again. Just please... bring her back?"

Nico continued to shake his head.

Percy plunged the dagger into Nico's side, making Nico gasp in pain, "Please? This all can stop. Everything can get better." He twisted the dagger, "Nico... Nico, please. I don't want to do this anymore than you do, but we need Annabeth back... please?"

"I... Told you.... I... I...  Can't." Nico said through agony.

Percy yanked the knife out from Nico's side, a broken raging sea in his eyes, "DI IMMORTALES, NICO! JUST DO IT!"

Nico cowered, shaking his head.

"Fine then." Percy sighed, "Guess I'll be back tomorrow."


Mt Justice
September 8th
11:37 pm

Megan and Conner returned to the mountain, and were immediately pulled aside by the team, "M'gann," Aqualad whispered, "Link us up."

"Everybody online."


"I'm here."

Superboy grunted in his head.

"We're saving Nico, but the League cannot know. Robin has a tracker. We are going to follow it, but first, we gotta get to the bioship. M'gann, Conner, we will update you once we're on the ship."

"Ok." M'gann nodded while Superboy grunted again.

With that, they started making their way through the mountain, trying to avoid Black Canary.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from behind them.

"Oops." Wally muttered, turning to the very mentor they were trying to avoid.

Black Canary uncrossed her arms, and sighed, "You're saving Nico, aren't you?"

The group exchanged looks.

"Well, then... take me with you."

"What?" The team chorused, shocked.

Black Canary stared at them, "I know I can't stop you... and honestly? I want to save him just as much as you do, but the League refuses to let me, since I'm emotionally involved. So take me with you. "

The team nodded.

They were going to save Nico

"We need a plan." Lou Ellen told the room.

Leo nodded, "Our camp has agreed to follow whatever you come up with, since our current chain of command is in disarray."

"Why should we help the son of the outcast god?" A biased Legionnaire interrupted, and the room dissolved into chaos.

"SILENCE!" Reyna yelled, as the preator she was, "Nico is a powerful ally and a hero, not to mention the remaining 7, with the exception of Leo, have gone against the god's wishes. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon have told them that Annabeth is not be revived. They are traitors, and we do not allow disloyalty to the gods."

The room went silent, and then the Legion began to plan.

They were going to save Nico.


September 8th
11:07 pm

"Piper..." Hazel shifted uncomfortably, "I'm... I'm not okay with this anymore."

"Why?" Piper asked.

Hazel frowned, "Nico's my brother - it was one thing to argue or fight... but torture? I'm not okay with that."

Piper scoffed, "It's not torture - we're just convincing him."

"Percy stabbed him while he was helpless. That's not convincing him... that's torturing him. Nico couldn't defend himself and -"

Piper sighed, "Hazel, you're too innocent to understand."

Hazel didn't see what her innocence had to do with deciphering right and wrong, but it was clear Piper wasn't going to listen. She didn't want to tell anyone else, just in case they thought she was a traitor like they said Leo was. She nodded, acting convinced, "Ok..." She cracked a smile, "Sorry, I guess I was just being silly."

Piper nodded, "It's ok. We all have our doubts at some point."

That night Hazel began to plot.

She was going to save Nico.


Nico sobbed, "Help... someone help..." He curled into a ball, "I want to go home."

He needed someone to save him.

For the second time in his life Nico waited for a hero.

For the second time in his life, he had no choice.

For the first time, Nico prayed for the Team to save him...

For the first time... Nico put all his faith, trust, and love into the team.

For the first time, Nico begged for his family to save him.

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