What Did I Get Into?

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M'gann flies behind the two planes, hiding in their blind spot, before she moves both her hands out in front of her, then clapping them together. In mirror the two planes crash into each other. Creating an explosion behind M'gann's back as she lowers herself to the ground by Artemis and Kid Flash.

"Well, J'onn, the costume looks familiar, but I'm not sure the new bod screams 'manhunter'." KF says to the Martian with enough sarcasm and impressively creeped out hots to get his point across.

"You know my Uncle J'onn?" she asks excitedly. "Hello, Megan, of course, you do! You're Kid Flash. Wally! And you're Artemis."

"Wait, wait, wait. Martian Manhunter is your uncle?" Wally asks, taking in the new information happily considering he's not riddled with bullet holes thanks to her. " Is that how you know my name?"

"Your name is really Wally?" Artemis asks, unimpressed.

Wally hangs his head and groans. "Ohh..."

"It's okay." M'gann assures. "We're teammates, friends, I made you cookies."

That last one catches Wally's attention, but also Artemis' in a very bad way. "You know her?" her jealousy showing as she turns her head towards him and puts one hand on her hip.

"No, I swear, beautiful. Never seen her before in my life." Wally tries to explain. "At least not that I..."

M'gann sighs. "You've both lost your memories too." she hears more Jeeps come in, turning she sees them heading towards a black pillar of smoke. "C'mon, I fill you in as we go. Robin, Nico, and Superboy need our help."

"Of course," Wally drawls before following M'gann and Artemis. "Robin, Nee-who, and Super-what now?" he asks, only now realizing what she said as he was about to say it.


Nico walked through the desert, confused. He saw someone crouching behind a sand dune, and shouted, "Hey!" The figure whipped around, and charged at him, "Whoa!" Nico quickly dodged, "Look, can't we talk this out?"

The figure paused in his attack, "Who are you?"

"I'm a kid who woke up in the desert with a memory wipe... you?"

The figure, now clearly visible as the hero Robin, frowned, "A hero who woke up in the desert... but you're not just some 'kid' are you?"

Nico huffed, "And what if I'm not?"

"This would be easier if you just explained what you are!"

The demigod sighed, "What I am is not as important as what I can do."

"And that is?"

"Travel through shadows, shadow manipulation, summon skeletal armies, summon ghosts, etcetera..." Nico listed off.

Robin tensed, "That's dark magic."

"Black Magic." Nico corrected, "Dark Magic implies I wasn't born with the abilities."

The boy wonder relaxed slightly, "Is that so?"

"Yes." Nico nodded, "Anyways, when I first woke up, I was going to look for a team. I think my subconscious remembers said team even if I don't, so I'm looking for them. Do you know where they could be?"

Robin frowned, "Well, no, but I realized I'm missing six months of memory."

"Wait... are you serious?" Nico's eyes widened, "Then this can't be a quest."

"Quest?" Robin questioned.

"Long story. Anyways, it means my theory doesn't work, but that means..." Nico's eyes widened in shock, "Di immortales... I must've left camp again, and somehow gotten into the hands of the League."

Robin's eyebrows shot up, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm a minor with powers, and I live on the streets....and I may or may not have accidentally infiltrated a Justice League base a year ago, so it makes sense that they would take me into their custody. There would be no one to stop them...." Nico explained briefly.

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