Beware the Monkeys

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In a field off the main highway, six trucks are sitting ready, while the part of the dismantled Android is being loaded. Overseeing this is Red Tornado, Atom, Green Arrow, Flash, and Superman.

Turning away and using his enhanced vision he can see the Team waiting on their motorcycles, Aqualad and M'gann on blue, Kid Flash on yellow and Superboy and Robin and Nico on red. He zeroes in on Superboy, who returns his gaze. He turns away, Superboy looks down before sliding on his helmet as the engines from the truck rev. Their rev their cycles and come to the edge of the clearing and they put on their helmets.

"STAR Boston is a go." is put over the comms as three trucks close their back-gates.

"STAR Manhattan is go." Green Arrow nods, then looks to Batman who gives the signal.

The trucks pull out in two opposite directions. Robin and Superboy following the ones going right, while Kid Flash, Aqualad, and M'gann follow the three going left.

Atom, Red Tornado and Flash all take off. As Superman goes to a black glove is placed on his shoulder.

"I told you, we need to talk." Batman states, Superman stands straight and looks just over his shoulder at the Dark Knight.

As two of the trucks make a right-hand exit, and one continues straight Superboy, Nico, and Robin follow the one remaining truck still on the highway.

Robin zooms to be on in front of Superboy and on his right. "If dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster? See, if things are going wrong, they go right." Superboy remains silent, ignoring Robin's attempt at positivity and conversation. "Uh, clearly you're not feeling the aster. What's wrong?"

"Canary." Superboy replies instantly. "And what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with super-strength?" he questions, mostly to himself, considering the fact that he looks away from the Boy Wonder.

"Taking down stronger guys is part of the gig." Robin states simply. "Canary learned that the hard way. Same with Batman and, well, me." he's hesitant to include himself in the list, fearing what that could cause Superboy to do. Nico stays silent, studying Superboy. While Black Canary had angered Superboy, Nico realized he wasn't truly angry at her. Rather, Superboy wanted a father figure, and he didn't have one. He couldn't have one.

Though instead of snapping back or anything he revs his cycle and gets a lot closer to the back of the truck and a good five or six car lengths in front of Robin.


"Do you think Superboy's okay?" she asks, driving on the left of Aqualad. Then quickly realizes how that may sound. "I-I wasn't reading his mind, I swear but anger flowed off him in waves."

Kid Flash\ pulls onto her left, a sarcastic chuckle coming through. "Surfed that wave. Just give him space." that's actually sound advice, considering the fuse on that guy seems to be a record low, on a good day. "Me?" he continues, getting practically right next to her. "Stick as close as you want." her facial features relax and even draw up in slight pity as she realizes that he's flirting with her again.

"Superboy just needs time to cool off." Aqualad states, turning the focus away from Kid Flash's bad flirting. "A quiet mission will clear his head." a cornfield they whiz past shakes, then green/grey/black robot things fly out and after them. Completely passing them, latching right onto the truck.

Pressing the outside of his helmet, Aqualad opens up a comm channel. "Robin, Superboy, our truck is under attack!"


"Kind of figured." Robin replies, looking to the monkey-robots latched onto their truck too.

"I hate monkeys." Superboy says angrily, his eyes zeroing.

The monkeys are not only attacking the portion of the truck with the robot, but also the driver's cabin. The truck swerves a little but remains to fair a straight enough drive.

"Robot monkeys." Robin says, his excitement showing before he laughs and gets serious. "Totally Ivo's tweaked style." then hitting the small screen on his cycle to show his R. As it does, the motorcycle's back wheel disengages, turning into a flying drone. Seeing that Superboy is leaning even further forward on his bike, Robin realizes what he plans to do.

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