They're Here

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Nico's expression dropped after that, before morphing into anger, "Di Immortales! Why can't they leave me be? I can't bring her back! My father would smite me - literally. I can't do it... if I do it again, I will die!"

"Nico..." Leo said softly.

"I've lost everything... Bianca, Will, my mother, my memories, and I'd finally gotten a family, and then they turn on me!"


"And then, after I'd found a home - something I haven't had since I was ten - and a new family who would never do what they did... They try to come back; to force me to bring her back. I miss Annabeth just as much as them, but bringing her back will only get her and myself slaughtered!"

"Nico!" Leo shouted.

"What?!" Nico yelled back.

"You need to calm down. The shadows are warping." Leo said quietly.

Indeed, the shadows had begun to stretch towards him, and the room was dimmed significantly. Nico took a deep breath, making the shadows retreat and the room brighten, "Sorry... I... I..."

"You have nothing to apologize for Nico." Calypso said gently, "I might not know you personally, but a ήρωας της Ελλάδας, such as yourself deserves so much better... You have every right to be angry and hurt."

Nico looked away, "How long till they get here?"

Leo cringed, "Less than an hour at best, a few minutes at best."

"How many?"

"All 5 - but I doubt they can get others to help them. Even Blackjack won't do it... but still. They're powerful. It's going to be hard."

"Isn't it always?"

Leo looked at Nico, "It's not usually them though."

"If I may ask, who's coming?" Aqualad cut in.

Nico took a deep breath, "My... old friends... one of them died recently, and they want to use me to bring her back at the cost of the world's balance. When I refused, they fought me and tried to do it themselves. That was when I showed up at the Watchtower. I assume they realized only a son of Hades or Hades himself can bring people back, so now they're looking for me."

"You have great friends." Artemis muttered sarcastically.

"Grief changes people." Nico defended.

"They tried to kill you." Wally reasoned.

Nico reiterated, "Grief changes people."


Robin cut Wally off, "Nico's right. Grief and loss changes people. It changes some for the best and others for the worst. The worst villains and best heroes usually have lost or grieved over something or someone."

That shut Wally up.

"Anyways, we need a plan." Aqualad stated, "Leo, how are we doing this?"

"Same as usual." Leo grinned.

"So wing it, fight for our lives, and hope we don't die." Nico nodded, "Gotcha."

Wally snorted, "Good one, Neeks."

A crash resounded from above the mountain. Festus did a mechanical growl towards the entrance to the cave. Stormy clouds began to circle the mountain, the sea below thrashed violently, and in the distance, a giant, chinese dragon approached. Nico tensed, pulling out his sword.

"Wait!" Wally cried, shocked, "You're serious?" 

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