Meant To Be Alone

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Mt. Justice

July 3rd, 2028

"Hey Bats - who's that?" It was Robin.

Nico froze as he took in the sight of who was in front of him. Oh, Hades no. He was not being stuck here with the league's kids. Kids with morals, innocence, and lots of childish dreams. Nope. No way.

"This is Nico." Batman pushed Nico out from behind him, "He accidentally infiltrated the watchtower about a year ago, and then did so again a few months ago. The first time, he revealed he did not have a guardian or home. This time, he was severely injured, and it was discovered that he had abilities."

Nico glared at all of them, "Just for the record, I do not want to be here. Once I get the chance, I'm leaving."

Batman glared, "No, you are not. We have your face on record now. We'll catch you."

"Why does he have an inhibitor collar on?" Kid Flash asked.

"It makes it so I can't leave."

"It makes it so he can't travel using his abilities unless we allow it." Batman clarified

"So it makes so I can't leave."

"So, are you a meta human?" Wally asked.


"Are you a magician?"


"Are you an alien?"


"What are you?"

"None of your business."

Batman responded for him, "He claims to be the child of the lord of the Underworld."

Wally snorted, "And you believed him?"

"It matched up with the evidence provided." Batman supplied.

"Did you have one of your magicians check me out? Cause that's a total invasion of privacy."

"You were comatose for over four months in our base. We needed to figure out what you were so we could help you."

"Well, I'm not letting you guys near me when I'm sleeping again." Nico muttered.

Batman turned to the Team, and continued to explain, " This is a covert team, the league will employ you on missions, blah, blah, blah... the six of you, will be that team."

"There's only five of us here." Robin got over his excitement, and called out Batman's wording.

"Pretty sure, there's someone down the hallway."

The group turned to Nico, who said this, "How do you know that?"

Nico shrugged, "I'm connected to all living and dead things. I know when someone's nearby."


"It also means when someone's dying, I can feel it."

Before the group could answer, a girl with green skin entered - another Martian. Nico watched from the sidelines with another boy who looked like Superman's son. Though, judging from the boy's soul, he was an artificial who grew a soul - a clone perhaps?

Nico was broken out of his thoughts when Robin told Superboy to come over over. Wally was flirting. Nico stood alone - he didn't want to grow attached. If he did, he would only be hurt again.

He watched from the sidelines, but Batman shoved him forward. Nico turned to glare at him, but he had left. Nico sensed as Batman left in the tube machine. He supposed they must be Zeta Beams.

He stared at the others longingly for a moment, before shaking his head, and heading away from the room. I'm not meant to have friends or a happy ending. I'm meant to be alone.

Nico found himself in a training room. He glanced around, before seeing a rack of swords, daggers, and what was probably some kind of hologram. Perfect; he needed to blow off some steam.

He turned on the hologram, and set it to 'Pretest - non-lethal'. He smiled as a figure appeared in front of him. He defeated it in seconds. The next four were similar. Then, he took on three different holograms at once - it took him a little under a minute. The program started him on a level, and he continued. Then, it moved on, creating bigger and more and more holograms. He stopped after beating the 256th level - a group of 1,800 different opponents each with abilities. He panted, but looked up as he had sensed a person enter the room while fighting.

"I must say, I'm impressed." It was Black Canary, "You could probably take on quite a few Justice League members - and you're injured.... though I will ask... why didn't you. You could've escaped."

Nico sighed, "If I did that, I'd hurt someone that the world needs. They would not have been able to save someone, and it would be my fault."

Black Canary smiled, "I think you'll fit in just fine here."

Nico let out a laugh, "As if. I won't. I'm not meant to. I'm a son of the Outcast God. I'm meant to live a life of misery and loneliness before dying in the most terrible way imaginable."

Black Canary's features softened, "Is that what you think, or what you've been told?"

Nico turned away, "Both."

Black Canary frowned, "Nico, you can't believe that. You have an opportunity to make friends and help others... why won't you take it?"

"I had friends." Nico said coldly, "They helped me, only to hurt and then try to kill me."

Black Canary paused, taking in this information, "You can't rely on past events to tell you the future. You have to use them to forge a new one." She looked at him pleadingly, "At least give them a try?"

"I'll try." Nico meant it. As much as he hated to admit it, Black Canary was right.

"That's all I can ask." Black Canary nodded, "Now are you coming?"


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