Living and Kissing

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Hello, so this was really fun to write. I know it ends so quickly but I didnt know what else too say. Thank you everyone for reading. I have like three more chapters. I  am done writiing the story, i just need to edit it. Thank you. Happy veterans day. Say thank you to a veteran you know, thank them for protecting our country.

Luke's POV

Suddenly there was a tremor in the mountain and I collided with Bianca who was sobbing into Nico’s chest.  The doors swung open revealing a whole army of monsters…great. No one moved to grab their weapon.

 They attacked on to us, many screaming, the world was now a haze of red…red of blood. I grabbed for my weapon and slashed at the incoming monster. The world was a haze of sadness and regret. I felt pain on my chest and managed to slice the next monster in half before it ripped out my hearts. Screams. Blood. I knew this was the end it had to be.

I watched as red glowing eyes of monsters shined into my blank dead eyes. This was it. Sorry Hermes. Sorry Annabeth. Sorry Thalia. Sorry Percy.

Suddenly the rough of the throne room got torn of, chunks of cement crumbling down. That’s it..I am going to die. In flew a monster…no…a metal dragon. It swooped in with two figures on its back, the monsters stopped fighting and watched it.. it was like a comment.

 On it were two figures bother covered in filth and mud. When the dragon was a few feet the figures jumped down, with a whoop. They landed in a somersault then stood up. I looked into their eyes, one pair swirling green. A green I haven’t seen since I was Luke. The green of the boy who was betrayed. The eyes of the boy we lost hope in.

Beside him was the boy, Leo I think. He looked terrible, weak and frail yet his eyes were full of a hard determination.

“ Leo take the right flank,  Athena Campers and hunters get the middle flank,  my soldiers take the left flank, and everyone else, kill monsters,” Percy shouted. And they fought. It was like a blur, adrenaline and excitement was what fueled us. Yet hope fueled us too.

 Soon we were ankle deep in ash when the two main villain couple came. They looked in horror at our rejoiced group.

“No,” the earth looser sobbed, “ but you two our supposed to be dead,”

“Supposed to,” Leo emphasized, “but no one can kill Mc Sizzle,” Leo yelled.

“ Valdes,” someone  yelled, “duck,” a boulder of fire came woard him, he shrugged and held the fire in space and threw it back at them. They wailed and tumbled back, in horror as their robes caught fire.

 Percy smirked ap[proachig them, with a flick of his wrist darkness gathered around them and as they screamed they vanished into oblivion.

 We were done…we killed them. Percy and Leo turned to us… no one moved.

No one breathed. No one spoke.                                                

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