Lies and Parties Part One

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Hey, so I hope you enjoy this it was pretty fun to write espicially the next chapter. Disclaimer: I don't own PJ or HoO

Still Annabeth's POV

I would've cried now, if I wasn't so angry. Cry later, kill Omega now. That was my memo, what was rolling in my head. Cry later, kill Omega now. But as I grabbed my dagger he took off running, not in fear but in anger. He held his sword tight as he ran.

I angrily threw the dagger, it cut into a tree. I then grabbed it, putting my cap back on.

"Annabeth, be rational, he is Chaos son," Chiron said, yet tears were running down his face. We all assumed Percy was dead, yet now knowing it was worse. Both Hades and Nico say they haven't seen him, yet I never trusted either of them.

Be rational, really the love my life it dead and be rational. Now I went storming after him, weapon ready to kill. I approached the clearing and watched them.

Alpha shoved Omega in the chest. "What the Tartarus, was that,"

"The truth," Omega snapped.

"Percy isn't dead," Gamma said angrily. She was never one I imagined to get angry.

"Yeah," Epsilon said, "now we just lost our allies, because you said you killed him. You. Didn't.Kill.Percy. Percy. Isn't. Dead,"

"Percy Jackson doesn't exist anymore, she killed him," Omega said and for some reason I knew he was talking about me.

"Fine," Alpha said exasperated, " he doesn't exist anymore, but he isn't dead, and you didn't kill him,"

"If you once consider, he still exists, your dead meat," Omega exclaimed.

"Listen to me, Per-." Epsilon said, rather nervously. Omega slammed into Epsilon, shushing her.

"Some one's here," he said, his eyes locking on my, as if I was visible.

"Annabeth, how long have you been there for?," Omega asked.

"So you didn't kill Percy?," I asked cautiously, still invisible and with my dagger out.

"No, but (A/n sorry all credit go to someone for this line, I recall getting it from somewhere but I don't remember who, or where, so if you know who this line belongs to, please tell me so I can give them credit) there are other ways people can die, Annabeth," he said monotony, and with that I fled telling everything about what I heard.

Bianca's point of view.

I muttered, in taking air. I looked at Percy who was biting his lip, he looked like a sad lost puppy, who has left to much behind. In truth we all have lost so much, yet this is our new life. As much as I try to remind, myself this is my new life, it's impossible. This mission doesn't help either, the moment I saw Nico my eye sight went blurry from tears. He is so grown up, black hair covering one of his eyes; he wore a leather jacket, his sword strapped at his side. He had a look of loss and sadness in his eyes, he also looked like a lost soul. I would've loved to hug him and tell him everything is alright, but I couldn't do that.

"Let's go inside, alright, Omega calm down," Epsilon said and soon I felt calm, she must've charmed spoke. I saw Percy relax as he followed us into the cabin. I took off for bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the warm water, I felt its heat radiate in the room. I didn't get in tough, I looked in the mirror. I had black hair that fell below my shoulders, little freckles dotted my face, my dark obsidian eyes reflecrted back at me, and they were caring yet hard.
Time lapse
" Gamma," a girl called, someone must be here because everyone except Percy calls me Bianca. Instinctively I draped my black cloak over my casual clothing. I left the bed room to find Annabeth and a girl with pretty brown hair and woven flowers in her hair.

Percy was asleep on the couch, a magazine covering his face, Luke must have thrown it on him to hide his face. Luke and Charlie stood stiffly side by side. Zoe was leaning against the counter, Silena was at the door. They all wore the cloaks and looked agrivatated.

"Hey," I said casually, they looked at me. Annabeth had that planning look on her face.

"You guys aren't busy tonight are you?," she asked me, I eyed my friends they shrugged, confused too.

"I don't know why?,"

"Oh... well there is a party tonight in the Big House so, you wanna come,"

I shrugged, Silena looked around excitedly.

"Sure," I muttered, I sort of was the leader of the girls in the army. Silena squealed, Zoe looked curious.

"Great," Annabeth said, " but no cloaks, alright," she said carefully. I thought for a moment, no one will recognize me except for Nico whom last time I checked wasn't at camp right now, Annabeth after a few hundred years probally doesn't remember me, I only saw her once. This could also get rid of the suspicion.

" Ok," I said brightly, they all looked at me like I was crazy, I smirked.

The girl nodded at Annabeth, and they both smiled. " So, you're all coming tonight,"

"No," I said hurriedly, " Omega and Alpha are guarding tonight, and Epsilon and Beta have been working on a project for Chaos so, I don't know, but Delta and I will be there," I assured her, she looked disappointed

"Are the hunters going to be there," Zoe asked all of a sudden, they looked taken about.

"," Annabeth said hesitantly, " the dress is casual," she said, waved and left.

The door closed and I waited for the scolding.

"BIANCA, what did you just do," Charlie exclaimed. On the couch Omega muttered something and rolled on his side.

'Shush, let's let Perce sleep, we don't want a cranky Percy when we tell him what we are doing tonight,"

" No, you guys are not going tonight," Luke snapped.

"Gods, no one will recognize Zoe, and only Annabeth may recall me vaguely but that was 1,000 years ago, and Nico isn't at camp," I said.

"Yeah but-."

" I have it under control," I said angrily and pulled the girls by their hands and pulled them into the bathroom.

We were in there for hours, we died Silena's hair blond and gave her a more paler skin color and cut her hair slightly, curling it. I was wearing light hazel eye colored contacts. We straightened Zoe's hair. Zoe looked strange with the blue eye contacts, same with Silena who had pale green eyes now.

The boys glared at us eyes wide, mouths opened. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. I was wearing a white blouse with a leather jacket, with some skinny jeans. I adjusted my black fedora and pushed my new bangs out of my eyes.

Zoe wore a silky red shirt and some jeans, she had red high lights in her hair, it was odd seeing her with her hair down and seeing her so relaxed.

"Wow, I am dating a blond, I am that cool," Charlie said sweetly, twirling Silena around, she giggled. Her blond hair was up in a pony tails and she wore a yellow sun dress.

We didn't talk on our way to the big house, we were nervous, as well as we did to disguise ourselves, we still could be noticeable, it was Silena who has to be the most carful.

Chaos' Army, The Soldiers From the PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora