Sadness and Romans

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Hey, sorry I havent updated this week, so this is a long chapter to make up for it. So for the next chapter I am going to bring Leo into it, or maybe someone else. Please tell me if you would like Leo to be in.

Disclaimer: I dont own PJ or HoO
Annabeth's POV
Pain grabbed at my heart, squeezing it. Vision and memories resurfaces that I have spent countless years pushing down. I was sobbing, silently. I was on my knees, my head to the dirt, my arms covering my head.

I heard people gather around me. But I didn't move, I just stayed still.

Suddenly everyone tensed, I heard shuffling. I looked up to find a crowd of campers around me, but they were seperating giving the soldiers a walkway. No one dared to breathe, this was history rewritten.
I dropped my head back into my hands. I couldn't take it, none of this.

"Hey Annie," Luke cooed, placing his hand on my back. His touch was warm and soothing. His voice was full of false hope. He was trying to stay strong but his voice had an edge.

"Luke," I breathed his name, just as I did Percy's.

I didn't speak for a while, there was silence. I heard more shuffling as the gods broke through the crowds. Hermes, than Poseidon. Than the rest.

"Luke, my boy," Hermes cried, a dumb smile on his face. I shifted to look at Luke. He looked the same, even after all these years. He still had those peircing blue eyes, shinning with tears.
Hermes came up to him, he tensed. Hermes held his arms out, Luke looked furious.

"Get out of here, Hermes," he snapped shoving the god away from him. I gasped, yet I wasn't too surprised.

"Was- was that Percy?" Poseidon asked, he seemed nervous or happy, or sad, I couldn't tell. That was his son...and the love of my life.

"Yes, it-it was," I stuttered, others gasped, for they hadn't believed it. He said he loved me, his eyes swirling green with pain and love.

"Oh... Percy, my son,"Posiedon muttered, a sad distinct look on his eyes.

"He is not your son! You ruined his life! You don't deserve him, you killed him Poseidon," Luke growled in rage. The other soldiers gaining on the sea god.

"Bianca," Hades gawked, she quickly turned.

"Hades," she said every syllable clearly, she didn't seem mad, but not glad either.

"What are you mad at me about," Hades asked, rather irritated.

"You left Nico alone, to do your dirty work," she said.

"Well, this situation is all your mother's fault," he complained.
Both children of Hades snapped, seething and growling. Great, the demigods are turning on the gods.

"Stop it," cried Silena. She was shaking her head franticly, as if trying to wake. I agreed with her, I wanted this all to be a dream.

" Guys, we have to save Percy, we have all made mistakes in our past, ok, Luke back off, I know Hermes is just trying to apologize, Poseidon, I am not even going to talk to you, because you did ruin Percy's life he and us will never forgive you, Bianca, Nico, lay back alright. As Hermes once said, families are messy, and eternal families are eternally messy. So get over it, we have to save our commander," Silena shouted, everyone shocked, Silena never loses her temper. We all silenced, unsure what to do. I attempted to get to my feet but tumbled back, Thalia luckily caught me, grabbing my forearm.

"You knew didn't you," I whispered to Thalia. That is why she was so hectic, those people were them.
She nodded but didn't speak, she assisted me to the big house the rest of the people moving in a soundless huddle, it was sad.
We met in Olympus, after beig fed some ambrosia. I would've admired my new and designed olympus but I didn't, I could barely process anything.

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