Enemies and Threats

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Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus. I hope you enjoy, this is the climax. Feel free to comment and vote!

I went back to camp, Lander in tow. We talked a little about the past fiftey earth years, and how life has been.
We arrived back at camp,it was after dinner. Everyone was already in their cabins getting ready for bed. Lander and I laughed hurrying down the hill.
At the bottom was Chiron, he rose his eyebrow.
" Where have you two been?," he asked.
"I was in the city,roaming," I said.
"Together?" Chiron asked nervously.
"Yeah," we responded in unison.
" Mr. Windrix, extra chores tommorow, Mr. Omega, your soldiers have been worried about your disappearance,"
I nodded and gave Lander a handshake.
"Truce" he agreed, Chiron's face was priceless, he was shocked and confused.

I returned to the cabin. Quick summary.(a/n I know I am being lazy)
Bianca getting mad and smacking me on the back of the head.
Me telling them everything that happened
Them being happy
And me going to sleep

The next morning my soldiers and I went to the pavilion along with every one else. Because of yesterday , people were shooting me looks, worse than usual.

I settled at the table, Luke was mumbling about something. Zoe and Bianca were discussing something in low voices. Silena and Charlie were sitting hand in hand.
Then there was me, who was shooting everyone that looked at me a cold stare. Causing them to look away.

One person held my death gaze. Annabeth. I remembered what Lander said, 'Annabeth she is all yours' he told me. Do I want Annabeth, do I want to return to my old life?

Suddenly, coldness filled the pavilion, I couldn't hear anything only a buzzing sound. My eyes were filled with a red haze. People began panicking and pulling weapons. I grabbed my own sword.

"Attack," someone announced, and as a large group we ran to the crest, the soldiers reached there first. I felt the unmistakable sense of death and peril, oh and danger. The perfect trio... For the perfect couple
There was Kronos and Geae, holding lethal dangerous weapons.Many campers yelped in surprise.
Suddenly behind us the Olympians approached, weapons ready. Thea last one this happened, the gods fighting alongside demigods was during the giant war, when I was Percy jackson.

I looked at Posiedon, he had his trident and looked proud. I was clueless were they came from, but they were here. They were scared though, and clueless.
Yet no one moved.

"Attack!," I demanded, and we all surged foward as one large wave.

The titan and primordial god didn't hesitate.

Kronos grabbed Annabeth by the neck putting her in headlock.

Geae built an imaginative wall. Of course a dozen campers ran right into it and yelped in surprise, crying in pain.

But I watched as Annabeth was kicking and flailing, looking hopeless and loss.

"You attack, she dies," Kronos said, everyone looks in horror. I just stood still, telling myself she is just any other person. We've been in this position before, on another mission.

But she loves me... I love her.


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