Torture and Death (Yipee)

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Disclaimer: I dont own PJO or HoO, please read Author's note at the end

Percy's POV

I hate being weak, feeling weak. I don't mind physical pain, yet I loathe emotional pain. My torture: reliving my past in one giant loop. It wasn't that bad now that I knew it was a love potion but it still hurt. The titan and primordial god was beginning to realize that this didn't take a toll as much as they wanted.

So here I was, tied to a pole, electricity running up my arms, I wanted to close my eyes, I'd die to get this pain out of me. I cant begin to explain, yet they insisted I stay alive. The pain is enough to make a mortal go unconscious in half a second, and dead in a minute. Of course I am not as simple, yet I wish I was, I would've died five minutes ago, and I would be alright with that. This was pain, while I hear Annabeth and my friends screaming my name, I knew it was an illusion they were playing, but it still stung.

Suddenly the volts stopped, or maybe I blacked out because everything went dark. I woke up back in my chamber; it wasn't a big cell or anything. It was a cell, nothing except chains and cuffs. I could get up and take a few steps, but I never dared. After every torture lesson I was worn out, I could barely move. I woke up to my name being screamed.

"PERCY," Annabeth screamed, my head shot up but there was nothing but darkness. I knew she wasn't there, and that the titan was playing tricks on me, using special creatures that mimic the human tongue.

"Stop it," I managed, my throat burning. My voice was weak and my limbs felt like liquid. I held my head low as my hands were held behind me uncomfortably. They were in cuffs, the cuffs were attached to chains which were attached to the wall.

"Percy?" a voice whispered, sadly it wasn't Annabeth, but almost as good. I couldn't believe it when I saw a lame flicker across the cell, lighting a boy's face. The boy was pale and looked ill, sratches running up his cheek. It was my good old friend Leo. Last time I saw him, he was dead, and now he isn't. That is how the world works, it doesn't, I never works.

"Leo," I gasped, he gave me a short smile and shuffled over. He shut the door behind him an I noticed he wore a green jumpsuit of the slaves who work for the 'elite villain team' a.k.a Kronos and Geae.

He placed a platter at my feet with chicken and cheese. He shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key. He slid it into one cuff. The cuff clattered to the floor, and I winced moving my shoulder.

" They said they had someone named 'Omega' in here, Percy, is that really you," he said, his eyes that were momentarily blank with sadness, were flickering with life and fire.

"yeah," I murmured, looking at the food. I hadn't eaten forever. I grabbed a slice of cheese and shoved it into my mouth, its creamy taste melting on my tongue, I moaned in pleasure.

"Don't eat too fast, you'll get sick," he told me.

" Ok, mom," I said, I laughed, yet it hurt my ribs.

"Hey," he said putting his hands up in surrender, " I don't want to cleanup your vomit,"

"You're disgusting," I accused, but we were both cracking up laughing. My old life is back... I (Percy) am back.

" Why are you here?" I asked

" You know how the ship blew up, yeah, well I became unconscious and before Geae left she grabbed me. And I think I know what happened to you. Your fatal flaw became fatal?" I nodded, that was all he needed to say, we both understood. After a few moments of silence, my brain clicked.

"Your key, if you unlock me, we can get out!" I exclaimed, he dropped his head.

" Two different keys for the cuffs, the servants only get access to one key, or we'd let you out," he said sadly.

"If I get strong enough I can easily remove the cuff, with my awesome powers," I said, it was a good idea. I knew these chains couldn't burn by Leo's fire. He analyzed me, considering it.

"It could work," he whispered. " But they are trying everything to kill you, even that cuff, it is a power drain-er," he explained.

I shut my eyes, feeling power surge me. I thought of water, I thought of power... I thought of Annabeth. I don't know how I got the power but I put all my desperation.

With an excited scream the cuff broke and clattered to the ground. Leo smiled his eyes full of light and hope. We were to get out, we will. For, they offered to let me go...if I tell them everyone weakness. But I'd never do that.

Leo slid he door open as I struggled to my feet, I stumbled a few times yet now I was full of energy. I will make it back...I had too. The hall was dark, only a dim red light shone. Leo lead me through twisted halls, we ducked into empty cells when people walked by. We soon made it to the elevator up.

"That was too easy," Leo said, " there should be guards everywhere,"

I agreed because I knew better than that. I looked at the elevator a few feet away, my freedom. Yet I felt with one more step, I will die. Not counting the fact that if I took a step farther my legs will burn themselves. Leo didn't look much better, covered with filth. After a few moments of standing in the small room and nothing happened, Leo took it as an advantage and started for the elevator, in slow motion I saw a knife fly toward him.

Luke's POV

Suddenly a hideous laugh filled the room, we were back in Olympus for the third time today, for the fourth time this week. It has been four days, no sign of Percy, no attacks. We were gathered once again, when vapor. The vapor formed an image. It was... terrible.

Two figured were standing in the center of a room, one made a run for it, then fell to the ground. The other person screamed, "LEOOOO" and I knew who it was.

"You will not get away with this," Percy yelled at Kronos, he held his hand as water sirled around his palm making a wall of water.

"Remember our deal, Perseus" Kronos hissed and Percy balled his fists, the wall vanishing.

"It is obvious you will never cooperate, very well" Kronos said and then the image vanished. And then I heard a scream.

Everyone looked a Nico who was screaming, "Dead" he was saying, "they are dead," he sobbed. I know Nico knew who died and when. But yet I refused to belief it, so did everyone else. But the vapor reassembled itself showing to limp bodies sprawled on the floor, a dagger sticking from both the demigod's back. I cried, I broke, and Luke Castellan does not break. I choose not to describe the following events, let's just say there were a lot of curses, sobbing and screaming.

-Demi_Wizard 8610

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