Souls and the Kronos' old host

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Hey, this was fun to write. So 3/4 this chapter and I think most of the next chapter will be in Thalia's POV.  Thanks for the comments and votes.

Discalimer: I don't own PJ or HoO, sadly

“ATTACK,” someone screamed, we turned abruptly, and kids began pouring out of the arena many rushed to grab weapons and armor. I grabbed my sword, and in my haste a grabbed my hooded cloak, threw off my helmet throwing the hooded cloak over me.

 We ran to find kids gathered around the crest of the hill. On top were the furries, they stood up tall, looking greedily.

“Where are the, Omega, the souls, where are they,” one said. The souls, I looked at my army, all escaped souls. Everyone in my army had died and Chaos secretly bough them back, the furries noticed that they had gone missing, yep, they always blame me,

 “ No, you are not getting them,” I said, holding my sword in front of me. My soldiers surround me, but the furries seemed unnerved. One snapped their fingers and Annabeth who was leaning against Katie began gagging and holding her own neck. Everyone looked at me.

“ Give them over or she dies,” the furries said in unison.

“I don’t care, she is just some looser daughter of Athena,” I said, I didn’t feel guilt or pain at my choice. I felt the remains of Percy Jackson vanish in ash, he was gone.

“ Do you want a trip down memory  lane, Omega,” one asked. And my heart began racing, no I am not going back. They must’ve sensed my fear because they laughed.

“You’re scared of you past now aren’t you,” the left one said.

“You hand them over,”

I raised my sword, shouting no. I charged them but half way there,  my feet gave out, and the ground greeted me.

Images flashed in my mind.

Thalia’s POV

I was crouching by a tree, my bow in hand. Lady Artemis came and knelt beside me, we were doing our evening hunting.

“Thalia what should we-,” she began, when I heard someone scream my name. I jerked up, almost hitting Artemis.

“Thalia,” a voice yelled, it was a voice I recalled; Percy. Lady Artemis heard it to, so did the rest of my hunters. I hauled myself to my already tired feet. I took off running, and stopped when I reached I ridge. Below me the woods continued on, but there were five people wearing cloaks, a blond boy pacing around a sixth person who was laying, screaming on the floor.

The boy screaming was my cousin, my only good friend who is boy. The boy I thought I lost forever, HE began screaming for Nico, then Hazel, and back to Annabeth. The others had their hoods drawn, yet their backs to me. I didn’t care who they were, they had Percy and by the looks of it, they were torturing him. But then I realized something…hoods…identities. They were the soldiers I saw on Olympus, Chaos’ army. And Omega was Percy.

I dropped a few feet onto the ground below. My hunters remained on boulder. The pacing boy turned. I staggered back, stunned. I ran right into the boulder. Blond hair. Scar on left cheek. A constant smirk. Mischievous eyes. The reason I joined the hunters. My promised family. Luke.

“Thalia,” he said bewildering not even attempting to put his hood back on. The others turned and I saw too familiar faces. Artemis leaped down beside me, eyeing Zoe Nightshade, and Bianca Di Angelo with honor.

“Lady Artemis,” the two girls bowed. But I wasn’t concerned with the soldiers being dead demigods, I looked between Luke and Percy, my only two males who were truly family.

“Oh… Thalia, I am so sorry about everything, I broke the Promise, Thals, our promise,” he said, his eyes welling with tears, his voice so sincere, and mournful. Was I ready to forgive him, he broke the promise, yet he was a hero.  I didn’t know what to say, instead, I felt sick, seeing all the people I thought were dead. Instead I collapsed beside Percy, and stroked his raven hair from his face.

“What happened, what wrong,” I had to yell over Percy’s yelling. Luke explained about the furries, and Chaos, and Annabeth. I looked at Percy, it was Percy’s real voice, the voice I heard on Olympus, Omega’s voice,w as more serious and sadder. I also couldn’t believe how much Percy has changed, our actions, my actions mustve have hit him hard. When I first saw Omega and you told me that was Percy, I would have laughed, Percy is not that cold.

 Suddenly Percy’s screaming stopped. He took a shaky breath, shaking.

“Hey Kelp head,” I said teasingly, the soldiers looked at me in fear, according to Luke anyone who call Omega that gets scolded.

“Hey, Pinecone face,” Percy muttered, moving his head side to side, still not opening his eyes. The soldiers looked at me wide eyed. Percy’s eyes shot open, and for a moment they were perfect sea green, then they hardened into the color of moss.

He growled and reached for his hood as he sat up, all happiness immediantly facing. I noticed he was shaking, the look in his eyes were distant, and far away. By the look in his eyes I knew he was also struggling, the memories were just as bad relived. Yet he seemed barely affected, but I knew it was a cover.

“Hey, Per-,” I began, but Zoe gave me a look, “Omega,” I said.

“Thalia Grace,” he responded equally, I winced at him using  my last name. Luke offered Percy his hand and helped him to his feet.

“You all swear on the river styx not to reveal our secret,” he said, in response their was a course of yes’ in the crowd, echoed by the response of thunder.

“You alright,” I heard Luke whisper in Percy’s ear. Percy nodded, looking grim. He said something about rest, returning to cabin, before running off. The rest followed him in a daze. Luke though once, his soldiers were out of ear shot, came beside me.

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