Chapter 32

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The sun shined its last smile of the year, one of the last sunny days in Ireland was here. It was supposed to start snowing next week, an awaited winter wonderland. Mum says that Quinn and I brought the sunshine with us- little did she know that New York wasn't so sunny. Surprisingly I was kind of happy to be here. I mean, I obviously miss everyone I left behind, but, it's nice here, and I get to see mum. I really did miss her, and she missed me too.

I walked over to Quinn, who seemed deep in conversation with Grandmum, who was quite grand. I guess she still hasn't gotten over the fact at how big he's gotten, probably since he hasn't been around since he was 5. She kept wanting to feed him, because she thought he was "too skinny," he was, but trust me, he ate quite enough. My gosh was he tall, he hit 6 foot last week! It's stupid to think when I was little I thought he would never grow taller than me, a big sister thing I think.

"Oh come here dearest! I want see ya!" She said, smiling with her eyes. 

"Yes grandmum!" I sing-songed.

"My good- lord yer a dote! I can't believe how beautiul ye'r!" She spoke, nearly filling the entire room with her cheer. I flushed, embarassed at how loud she was. 

"T-thank you." I said, looking down, too embarassed to even bother to look around at who was here.

"ye got a fella?" Her heavy accent rang through. 

"Maybe." I laughed, heading to the kitchen to grab a carrot. I was really going to miss pineapple, can you believe my family has never had any?!

"Tell all! Tell all!" She shouted, okay she had more energy than I did 

" Yes Willow tell us all." My mum looked, I presume disapointed in the fact that I em, seemed to fail to mention Blake to her. 

"Em, my 'fellas' name is Blake. We've been dating for a long time, and he's amazing-" My mum gave me the "you're grounded," look. 

"Look, em, I really like him. He took Quinn and I in, when dad em- you know.. And he also let us stay with him! He has helped us so much, and he loves me, and I em, I don't know. You'd really like him!" I cheered, radiant with him on my mind.

"I better." She walked away, great.

"This fella sounds grand!" Grandmum beamed. I nodded, bitting into my carrot, confused at my mother. 


I followed my mother outside, curious as to what she was doing. She stopped, looking at the lake that was only half a kilometre from the house. I remember living around here as a kid, my old house was only around the corner. She looked so focused on the water, I guess, maybe staring into her reflection. 

Without turning around, she spoke; "You know, the ripples in the water are like people. Life throws things at us unexpectedly, just like someone throwing a rock into the lake. The ripples keep forming like the after effects of lives events, they just keep getting bigger and bigger. Your effect on someone just grows bigger and bigger, the longer you're around them. So always remember my love, be positive- always have a positive effect on people." 

She turned to look at me. 

"Mum, that's beautiful." 

"I know darling, I know." She paused, and smiled to herself. "That's the same speech your father gave to Quinn, the last time we were here." She just played with her hands, after continuing playing the memory in her head.

"You miss him." I said, studying her reaction.

"I do- I really do." She smiled, a bittersweet smile. She was sadly happy. I walked up to her and gave her a hug, something I think she needed right now. 

The Girl Who Wore Her Heart on her Sleeve.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ