Chapter 1

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School. A dreadful thing that we all have to go through- I mean suffer. Speaking of school, I'm starting off my last year of highschool here, in the suburbs of grand New York City. It's closer to Jersey, but, lets just leave it at that. I just turned 17 in the summer, and it already feels like my lifes gone downhill from then. I hope my anxiety doesn't get the best of me, because, who wants to start of the school year anxious? Oh wait we all do. Thanks stupid school.

I walk into my first class chewing on my lip, not knowing what to think. I see a bunch of foriegn faces that look back at me. The awkward eye contact really gets at me, and I'm not exactly sure why. I'm getting a sense that these people, will be quite an interesting bunch. Not in the good way. I take a seat in the front, mainly because those are the only ones left. After, I turn to find the older man, who I am guessing is my business teacher, for the rest of the semester. Great. 

Class flies by pretty fast, considering the teacher doesn't really know how to shut up.  I was drawing just to pass the rest of the time, the only thing to do when your teacher doesn't know how to stop talking. I drew a kitten, damn how I wish I had one. I was glad that is turned out decent, and decided to work on it the rest of my classes. The only thing that I am pissed about, is how my Teacher, Mr.Z got me to introduce myself infront of the class, I absoluetly hate when teachers make me do that' one of my many pet peeves. I should've told him it was  none of his business, but I didn't want to get into trouble. 

As the bell rang, I couldn't help but jump out of my seat, and speed walk for my next class. I really want to be early so I don't get awkard eye contact again. I finally find room 201, I have English. Hmm, shouldn't be too terrible, I do like it, I guess. My teacher, who I call Mrs. Smith just goes on and on about her children, and ALREADY starts to go into embarassing stories, that each one of them have done. Then she makes eye contact with me, and she makes quite an odd facial expression. Damn, she must of figured out that I'm the new kid. God Damn it. She says " Hello," before walking towards my desk in the back corner. I give her a small, sad smile, before looking at the ground. Curse my anxiety. I think, really, it'll be the end of me, one day.

Mrs. Smith hand motions to me, getting me to climb out of my chair, and walk the walk of shame, towards the hell that awaits me. I stand there, knowing that the piercing glares I recieve, are looking me up and down, and judging every square inch of me. Which is honeslty, a terrible feeling. I can't help but glance at the floor while chewing on my bottom lip, and my habbit of pulling my sleeves over my hands, its like my hands have found a sanctuary and can hide from the world.

Mrs. Smith cuts the silence, by saying " Class, this is our newest student, Willow, she comes to us from Canada!" Everyone looked shocked at the realization, that I was in fact, not American! Oringally, I was born in Ireland, and thats why I have an accent. But, I moved to Canada, when I was 11, and now my father got promotted in his job, and we moved to the Big Apple. I have to walk to school, in the heavy traffic, and there's so many people here, it looks really easy to get lost.

Mrs. S cuts off my thoughts, by saying " Tell us more about yourself dear!" I cringe at the word ' Dear,' knowing I will never live that down. I really didn't know what to say. The next moment it was like I was possessed. " Hi my name is Willow- as you may know- and I love singing, writing, reading, and drawing. If you wonder why I have such a strong accent, its because I grew up in Ireland for 11 years. I then live in Canada for 5, and here I am now. Thanks." I was simply odded out by my own new found wave of confidence. Everyone then started chatting, and casually glancing in my direction, thus, allowing me to know that they too, were in fact judging me.

I scurried back to my seat, and decided to look out the window, as Mrs.S decided to blab on and on, yet again. She was actually about to get on to school work, but I was saved by the bell. Thank God!

Lunch Time came around, and I was in for another round of horrors.


A/N: Hey Guys! Thank you so much for reading<3 I just wanted to let you know that the girl on the side there----> Is Willow!(:

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