Chapter 9

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Blake interlaced our hands, as we walk down the halls, I kept getting dirty looks from girls walking by. Maybe, they are jealous that I got the most amazing guy ever? Haha, well there is nothing they can do- at least I really hope not.

Then, I remember what Gia said; "Watch out, hes a heartbreaker." Or something of the sort. What if he just uses me, what if I get hurt? You've only known him for a day and you're already all over him Willow. Thoughts like that arise and suddenly occupy my mind. I slowly pull my hand away, and Blake notices that I seem distant, he turns to face me.

"Willow- what just happened?" 

"What do you mean..?" I attempted to act oblivious..which was clearly not working.

"One second you're smilling like everythings right in the world, the next you're just gone. Like something life changing has happened M." He sighed- this wasn't good.

"Blake- I'm going to get hurt. I know how people work, I'm going to be broken again- I can't let that happen okay?" I said, starting to walk away.

"Willow, come with me, I have a few things to say to you." He said, ignoring the fact that my mind was in little pieces at the moment.

"Gia said you're a player and that you use girls. She said that you break a lot of hearts and that I definately need to watch out for you-" I blurted...crap.

"WHAT?! Remember yesterday? I told you I wouldn't hurt you. I promise, okay? I'm not that kind of guy. And I know that when I first bumped into you I was an ass.. but, that was before I actually talked to you, because, darling, let me tell you, any guy lucky enough to talk to you, knows how lucky he is." 

My heart was about to burst.

"Kiss me." I'm crazy. Or should I say mad.


The next thing I knew, we connected in the most beautiful way possible.


"Wanna go for a walk?" I say, smiling.

" I would love that." He said, wrapping his fingers around mine. We start walking, rather slowly I would say, but I am really enjoying our time together. I mean, how could you not, with this guy? We continue on our little stroll- or promenade, as the french would say.

"Tell me about yourself" I say, smiling at the ground.

He stared, burning his gaze into the side of my face, and into my cheek.

"Fine, but on one condition." He spoke.

"what is that condition?" I said, smirking at his childlike ways.

"Give me a kiss for everything I tell you about myself." He said, poking my cheek. I chuckled, and said; "Fine, but they have to be unique things, or no kiss for you.".

"Well, I was born in New York, and I have lived here all of my life. I have a little sister, but, I haven't seen her since I was little. My parents travel like all the time, so I have the apartment to myself a lot of the time, its the best. But, I'm afraid it does get really lonely, sometimes." He said, looking down at his shoes. I can tell this is something that is really personal to him. I let go of his hand, and I just hug him. No questions asked, I will not force it out of him. If he wants to tell me more, then he will. He leans his head on my shoulder, and just lets it all out. I grip onto him even tighter, to give him reassurance that I am there for him. He stops crying, and puts on a heartfelt smile. I can tell that this will be a tough, but necessary topic to get through.

"My dad was an a-alcoholic, and he was abusive. My mom, had to r-run away from him, because it got so bad. I was only 7, so I couldn't stand up to him, but I tried my best to. I-its just really hard to talk about, but I trust you." He spilled everything. And I felt like I understood him so much more now. I kissed his cheek, and then his hands.

"Everything will be alright. I am always here for you if you need someone. I care for you a lot, and I trust you with a ton.l don't want to see you hurt, so smile that beautiful smile of yours." I said, and then he smiled through his tears.

I leaned into kiss him. and I reached his lips. I could taste a bit of the salty tears that flowed from his eyes. But, he kissed back more reassuringly than ever. I felt like the connection was even stronger. 

We sat down, and I gave him a hug. I know that he needed me right now. More than ever before. I know that this kind of thing is really hard to tell someone. And, its really hard to talk about. So I wrap my arms around him, and I start humming a song,"For the love of a daughter," by Demi Lovato. I think this song is really relatable for his situation.

5 minutes later, he gets up, and wraps his arms around me. And he bends down a little bit, towards my ear. I can feel his warm breath on my neck, and I die a little inside. "You mean so much to me. And you also have a beautiful singing voice." And then he wraps me even tighter in his embrace, and kisses my forehead. I get chills down my spine, as he does this. I cant help but feel like love is in the air. I love him. I really love him.


The Girl Who Wore Her Heart on her Sleeve.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora