Chapter 16

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Tori loved meeting Blake....for God sakes I think she loved him. They were talking more than I and him did, and it started to worry me a little. I mean, I really wanted them to hit it off but not this well. Oh well, I guess I'll let it go, for now. I decided to leave them alone, I really hated being a bother to so many people.  I can't help but feel like I'd bother them if I was there. I guess all I am is annoying. Thats all I've ever been.

I sit in my room, and I grab my guitar. Blake has taught me a couple chords, he loves playing songs by Greenday. Sometimes, I can even hear him humming the melody to them. He's singing for her. My jealously is now overtaking any ration thought I could muster up at this point. I slam open the door, and I see them right beside eachother, barely even any air in between them. I can feel all the breath being sucked from me, and I can't help but feel the lump rise in my throat.  

The next thing I know their lips touch, her hand goes on his shoulder, and I can see him lean into her. I literally feel like my heart has split into two. How could my best friend and my boyfriend do that to me? Do they have a heart? Why must I always be the one hurting? Why...why would they do this to me?

I grab my hoodie and march out the front door. I gotta get out of her, they both barely notice me walking by, and this only aggravates me even more. I cimb into my car, as I start to feel my eyes sting with tears. I may be overreacting or whatever, but how is it fair? Whatever though right?

I drive off in my car, speeding, blinded by my hot, tears that sting as they touch my skin. My mind is racing, and is so jumbled, I can't even form an actual thought. My feet push even further on the gas pedal. My heart is racing so fast, I feel like it is about to burst. I just honestly can't believe Blake would ignore me like that. I can't believe she would do that to me too. I just feel so hurt, and I honestly feel like I'm going to break, any moment. 

My heart feels like all of its strings have broken, like they are no longer tied together. I just want to run and never come back. To be honest, I don't know if I want to see either of them ever again. I know they didn't ever mean to hurt me but, they did. They will never be able to take that back as well.

I keep driving, my mind too flustered to think. I decide to turn on the radio to try and get my mind off of things. Of course " She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 comes on. That was Blake and I's song. It literally meant the world to me, but here I am, crying over someone who doesn't even care about me. Hes too busy with her. I burst into tears all over again. 

He was supposed to be different, someone who would teach me why it never worked out with anyone else. He was my one, and only. But, I guess I was not his. Maybe he isn't the light in my darkness, because maybe all I will ever see is darkness. All I will ever be is dark.

I shut my eyes for what I thought to be a brief second, but was very long. Before I could open my eyes again, the car is hit in the side. The next thing I know, I  hit my head on the glass, and the once bright world around me, turns pitch black. 

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