Chapter 14

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I walked into school on Monday hiding my face. I wore a hat to help try and hide my secrets almost. I can't let them break me too. Even though you can t break something that is already broken. I honestly just really hope that I do not run into Blake or even see his face. I just try and keep him off my mind for most of the morning, but we all know that I was not even close to being successful.

He was running through my thoughts no matter what I did to try and stop. I've never had this happen with any guys I have ever liked, or dated. This means hes different.....because he has this effect on me. Sometimes I worry about it, and it scares me half to death, and makes me the happiest person, But, then I realize that hes no longer mine, nor he never was. He doesn't care about the fact that I am starting to fall for him. But, I can't let myself slip, never ever again. Last time I loved someone, they ripped my heart out of my chest, and stole everything from me, my self-respect, dignity, wellbeing, friends, and trust.

I'm scared of getting hurt. But, I know that if I don't take the risk I'll regret it for the rest of my life. I can't seem to let him go, no matter how hard I try. I'm just hoping that I can try to slowly get over him. It may not happen- it probably wont, but the least I can do is try.

They say that no matter what you do, nothing you do is a mistake. Simply because everything in life is a lesson, every thing teaches you something.

I avoid eye contact with anyone else lurking this late in the halls, before the bell. As I walked towards homeroom, I see HIM with another girl. Just when I was about to forget about him. Just when I was almost going to start ending with the endless thoughts and pains, of the idea of his eyes. I can't take this anymore. No more torture, No more.

I run away before he can see the pain spill from my eyes...again. But, before he can turn around, he catches my gaze. And I am off, before he can break me even more. I am so done. Done with these thoughts. Done with people.But most of all, done with him.

I run, as fast as my unsteady legs will take me,across these dreaded halls. All my makeup has come off, and i can already feel my heart shattering into another million pieces. I HATE HIM. I am so done with the mind games. So done with everything. I gave up. I caved from the pressure. And this time, I don't even know how I will stand back up on my feet. I reach the back of the school corner. I go where no one dares to go. This is the spot where I can break down. And just forget the world for a while, or at least try to.

I slide my back roughly against the wall, when I finalize that no one is near. Near to see me, broken and unloved. Way past gone. I don't even know how to fix myself anymore. How did I get so lost inside myself so quickly? How can someone fade so quickly? And without anyone noticing?

I barry my face in my hands, hiding all the pain, the tears, anything I have left. All I have left. All of it. I can't believe he has such a strong effect on me. How did I let him get under my skin so quick? So easily? I hate my thoughts, I hate how I am trapped in here with them. Tonight is going to be one of those nights again. I can just feel it.......

Before I shed another tear, I look up only to see a pair of familiar eyes staring into my own. The same Ocean blue that are the colour of my tears. The same eyes that caused me to be so happy, yet so sad. How can someone do that to another? Its not all.

He just stands there, breaking anything left of me. Why must he do this to me? Why?! Its not fair, at all. I can't trust my voice, I know that it will only break him too. If he'd even break over me..

"Roll up your sleeves WIllow," he said with all the strength left in his voice.

"I---I-I no." I said crying even more. He then towards me and rolled up my sleeves for me. I crawled up into a ball, and turned the other way, so I didn't have to face him. He then bent down to be eye level with me. He searched my eyes, looking for an answer. An answer of what? I am still not even sure to this day. He then put his lips to my forehead, and his pointer and middle finger on my chin. His other hand was rubbing circles on my back, right at the same time. I took a deep breath, and slowly cooled down. Wow- hes really good at comforting me.

Blake then glanced at my bandaged wrist. He then bit his lip, almost emulating the idea of the pain I went through. Maybe he had never cut? I'm not exactly sure, but I don't exactly want to find out. I don't even want to think about the possiblity that he hurt himself too....The thought of it just kills me, in everyway possible.

"This was recent? These are the battle scars.. of all the times I wasn't there for you, wasn't it?" He said with tears slowly brimming in his dazzling eyes. I don't want him crying. Yet I can't find the strength to speak either.

The next thing I know, he leans over, and pulls my arms to his lips. He graced my scars with his lips, a signal to keep fighting. I must have strength. For him. For me.


A/N thank you guys for reading<3 Dont forget to vote! Next Chapter coming Asap:* Love you all!!!

The Girl Who Wore Her Heart on her Sleeve.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα