Chapter 15

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I walked out of the school with a smile on my face for the first time in a long time. Last night Blake and I had literally the sweetest and most intimate conversation I've ever had. He took me out in his dads truck, to the abandoned field that everyone at school was talking about. See, Blake had found my Diary and he figured out that I've always wanted to stargaze in the middle of nowhere. That's exactly what we did. We fell in love under the stars, each twinkling one signalling the lights in our hearts.

We layed down, my head on his chest, he caressed my hair, I'm pretty sure he even smelt it. One of my favourite songs played in the background, "Kiss Me," by Ed Sheeran, and after a couple hours of stargazing, we slow dance to it. His heart was against my chest, his lips pressed to my neck. I was falling for his eyes, but he didn't know it yet. But, he will soon. Once you fall, it's really hard to fall out of it. So I'm stuck with this smile that he caused, will me carved into my face for a while, at the least.

He grabbed my waist, pulled me into him, as I wrapped my hands arounds around his neck. His eyes boaring into mine, I can feel myself falling for him all over again. Its the glint in his eye or maybe its the way his hand is a perfect fit for mine. Or the way he picks me up when I'm down....the only one who can. All I can say, is that everything in me, is utterly and deeply in like. I don't think I'm in love, but, only time will tell.


I walked into home room and I couldn't help but hide my face in my hair, and I couldn't seem to stop grinning like a little girl. Gosh, no one has ever had this effect on me. But, I never said that I didn't like it. I enjoy it quite a bit actually. I love the eruption of butterflies in my stomach, and the chills up the back of my spine. Its cute and refreshing.

I sat in my seat and crossed my legs, I got started on tonights homework, that I saw from the sllyabus Mr.Z gave me earlier. I was completely caught up with the class, and was planning on moving ahead. Considering I only have 3 months until I graduate, I just wanted to get all of my work done as fast as possible.

Mr.Z asked me how my night was, I think hes trying to make small talk. I really don't even want to converse with the man, no offence but I don't like him very much. But, I have a weird sense that Gia does, or maybe Mr.Z likes Gia. What a scandle.

Five minutes later, I was expecting Gia to come and join me, as we would normally do. But, she sat as far away from me as possible...what did I do?! I don't feel like dealing with drama...Why must people start crap like this?! I've dealt with this my whole life, and as long as I have control over it, it is NOT starting up again. I mean shes a good friend, and I want to be there for her, but I don't want anything that will leave me destroyed like the last time..........

The rest of the class I was pissed, but I knew once I saw Blake, I would be fine. He makes everything worth it. And, thats all thats important to me.


Second period was boring as hell, and it was the same stupidity, from the same people. I just tend to roll my eyes at everything the people say. I don't mind my teacher though, she is one of the best English teachers I have ever had. She really likes me and I find her quite aimable in all honesty. I know that the rest of the class doesn't really like her, but they also have the brain capacity of apes.

The bell rang, and the whole class ran out as fast as their legs couldn't take them against the cold, dark floor. I lagged behind everyone, stuck in my rings of thoughts. I walk towards my locker, taking a deep breath, and what Gia did is still bothering me. I know that I will never understand that girl.

I reached my locker, and my eyes found the familiar ice-blue ones, that I seem to be falling for every second they're on me. I honesty might just marry him for his eyes. Just kidding, that'd be terrible if you married someone because of their beauty. I mean love is when you find yourself falling for the words they say, and the thoughts they think. Never say you love someone, just because you their face is nice. Love someone because they make you want to hear every stupid theory they've ever had, or you want to stay up until 3 in the morning talking to them about absolutely anything. Simply because just even talking to them sends shivers up your spine.

His hand found mine, and our fingers interlaced....I think this is why I have hands, to hold his, forever and always. He bent down, and then gently brushed my hair behind my ear, and whispered; "The spaces between my fingers were made for yours." I swear I could feel my heart burst. If you want to kill a girl, that is essentially what you do.

I went slightly on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek, but he caught me off gaurd, and he caught my lips, and put them to his. I could feel those chills up my spine. It was such a nice feeling. I absolutely adore him for the effect he has on me. I was no longer scared to fall. For I knew he would catch me.


Blake wanted to meet my best friend, Tori, who is from Ireland. She's my piece from home, a part of me I'm never going to able to let go. I mean we all need a ginger best friend don't we? They are the absolute best. And I love Tori!! And I couldn't wait to see her again!! Its almost been a year, which is awful.

We arrived at the airport, and we both got out of the car, and Blake held the door open for me... hes such a gentleman. Gosh, his smile though. I swear Tori is going to flip when she meets Blake. I really hope that she will love him as much as I love him.

My eyes were searching the crowd for a flock of besty! My eyes were wondering, until they abruptly stopped when I found her. She looked so lost, she is quite terrible with direction, remind me to never let her navigate. Blake and I ran hand in hand towards her. I tapped her on her shoulder, and she jerked around, and all I could see was the biggest smile on her face that I have ever seen. I gave her the biggest hug imaginable, and when she pulled away, her eyes searched mine after looking at Blake. She turned around to me, and just stared shocked.

Boy, what fun this will be.

A//N Hey guys! Its been forever! But, yes I am going to finish this story! I hope you like it:)<3

The Girl Who Wore Her Heart on her Sleeve.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora