Chapter 30

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A//N I just wanted to quickly say how much I wanted to thank everyone for reading, I know this is probably annoying and stopping you from reading the story, but, thank you. Thank you for sticking through this with me, and reading my writing :) It honestly means so much, you will never know <3 Stay lovely.



I stood there, not sure of what I should do next. Frozen in disbelief, I made eye contact with Quinn trying to figure out what we should do. He nodded at me, and I nodded back, not sure of what I just agreed to.

"Okay...but, what about our life here? Our friends?.." He said, his voice quivering at the realization that we would actually have to leave.

I would leave this place, a place where I actually made friends and was living a life. It's where I found Blake, the only person I know I can depend on no matter what. I don't know how I could be without him, we're together almost as much as possible, every second. How will I be able to leave him? Without one of his hugs after a long day, I wouldn't be able to have survived some of these last few months. Why would the world throw something like this at me, after all we have all suffered over this past couple months?

Life is such a terrible and yet wonderful concept. We're placed on this earth for no particular reason, except to make it suck less. Or maybe it's to make a difference, or leave your mark, because we all only have a limited time here. And maybe that might scare people, but I feel like its motivation, to do what you really want, what you really need. You only get one life, and in that life you have to do what you were meant to do. 

"I'm afraid yer gonna hafta come back with me, but, I'll give ya's a couple days. We'll only be gone for a little while, it'll pass before ya know it, trust me." He said, empathy glowing in his brutful eyes. 

"Why now?" I said, shaking vigorously.

"'Cause yer mother wants ya home." He said, staring into my evading orbs.


"B-Blake I have to talk to you..." I said, biting my lip, while looking down at the ground, too scared to look into his eyes.  

He walked up to me, and placed his hand in mine. 

"What is it darling?" He said, using his other hand to lift my eyes to face his.

"I was walking a-away after lunch right, and I ran into my uncle. The one I haven't seen in years, and-"

"Really?! WIllow, thats awesome! Continue-" 

"He heard about my dad, and came here to look after us, and well.." I drifted off, having him to nod to me, to signal for me to continue. 

"but, he um, told me that Q-quinn and I er have to move back to Ireland.." I said, only leaving him wide eyed, and bewildered.

"Wait what?" He said, with his eyes prickling with what seemed to be tears.

"We have to go back to Ireland.." I said, about to cry myself. "M-my moms there- we have to go, for her, I'll be back, I just have to go for a while.." I felt sick. 

"Baby, y-you can't just leave... n-not when things finally got better for us... I love you Willow, no you just can't.." I didn't even let him finish, I wrapped my arms around him. Holding him tighter than ever before. 

"Blake, what you and I have is something that isn't found a-around every corner. We found each other, and made it through so much hell, and frankly, we've got a lot more to go through. But, we stay because we love each other, remember? I may not be the best at romance, but, I do love you with everything inside of me, every particle and every fiber of my being. And we will get through this, just pull through, pull through for me? Stay strong for us okay? For what we have, and for our future." I said, looking into his eyes, with the most sincerity I could muster. 

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