Chapter 21

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I sat there alone for the first time in a long time. Everyone has always been by my sorrowful side, watching my every breath, evade from my mouth. But now, I was the only one to hear my every lonely breath..

I'm slowly starting to gain my memory back, slowly, but surly! Half of me wants to go back to the way I was before, and just move on. But, another half of me wants to become another person.

It would be sad to become someone I am not, but for god sakes, who am I? I barely even know "myself," and frankly, I'm scared to get to know the person I was. What if I was terrible? What if all of my "friends" were here only because they pitied me? What if I'm never the same again? Will Blake still love me? Will I please him?

Will I ever be the person I once was?


" awake?" Blake, I think...Asks.

"Yes?" I asked, curiously.

"I've missed you!" He said, before encircling me in his embrace, warming me up from my cold thoughts. I feel my cheeks flush from his contact, and my smile grow, from my once frowning face.

I hugged him back. In all honesty, I felt like I deserved it. I needed it. I needed the comfort from someone, in a place that lacked it. I lacked it.

The next thing I know, grasp onto him tighter, before burst into hysteria. My eyes flow out little paint-drops of sadness, as my breath hitches in my throat, every so often.

Blake notices right away that somethings up. He looks at my with concern dancing all over his features. I look him with my tear- glinted eyes, searching for an answer, even though there wasn't one.

"Willow, whats wrong?" He asks, afraid of my response.

" I-I'm never going to be that girl Blake." I reply, with sadness filling my soul, as my heart drops to my stomach. My realization had really put a downfall on my mood.

"What girl?!?" Blake asks, frantically.

"That girl that you were in love with, the one who was happy all the time, and never had a care in the world. I will never be the girl who you want me to be, I'll never be able to replace her. I'm a different person, I don't even know my life story! I don't know anything about myself! I don't know this town, or where I was born! I don't even know my father, and I never will be able to.....I don't even know h-how to feel about y-you.." I say, biting my swollen lip.

"Willow...Yes, I do love that girl you once were. But, I do know that I'm not getting her back. I still see her in you, shes in there somewhere," he places his palm on my chest, signalling my heart. "And, I know she'll come out again, all you have to do it fight. It's in you. All you have to do is dig deep....deep down. I believe in you. You should too, my love." He said, with the greatest sincerity.

Right there I felt like my heart melted. This boy was amazing...but, I have no idea what to feel about him. I guess I'll just have to figure it out.


A//N HEY GUYS! OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 800 READS!! you guys are amazing<3 sorry this chapters short, next one is going to be a lot better, promise. Love yas<33


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