24. I punched a girl in the face, now y'all want my autograph

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[ Copyrighted to MrsSociopath© ]

Kris had just stepped out the Principals office. The bell had just gone signalling the end of the day. It was the first time and, hopefully, the last time she would ever have to be in there. They had a long conversation about how the school did not tolerate violence and that next time Kris hit someone the school would be suspending her for a week. 

She ran her hand wearily through her hair and pulled out the stupid ponytail that had been giving her a headache. The Principal also wanted to call home an report the incident but after almost an hour begging she had changed her mind. Kris was glad to be out of there. 

However she wanted to go back in there and confront the overly pointy nosed woman that was in charge of the school when she saw Deacon leaning against the lockers just opposite her. He had waited for her. She swallowed the bile that threatening to rise up in her throat.

They stood there in a heavy silence just staring at each other trying to gouge the others emotions and reactions. One part of them wanted to run into  each others arms and finfish up the kissing scene that had happened earlier. The other part was weary and knew that there were secrets and lies built up between them. 

Kris knew she should say something but she just didn’t know how to break the silence. 

“Hello there Kitty,” Deacon said in his steely voice. “I believe you and I need to talk.” 

“You kissed me,” Kris mumbled out dumbly. She wanted to slap herself for that but it was already out in the air. Deacon seemed to tense up at her words. 

“Yeah, I did.” 

“Why’d you do it?” Kris asked as she turned and started to walk down the corridor. He fell into pace instantly beside her. “Especially after all the shit I’ve recently put you through?” 

“Because some stupid part of me keeps telling me that you must have a very good reason for doing what you’re doing.” This made Kris glance up at him from the corner of her eyes. His intense grey eyes were staring straight ahead and nowhere near her. She dragged her eyes away.

For a mere second she thought about telling Deacon everything. From everything that happened back in Wales from her screwed up family to her messed up psycho of a mother. She frowned. They would need more than a couple of minutes to explain the Bitch and her sick and twisted ways. Then explaining Kai, oh my days, where could she even begin when it came to her older brother? And then explaining how her father can crumble like a brittle engine in a Chevy whenever Beatrice seems to be involved. 

There was too much to explain and too much at stake. There were secrets and things in her past that she wanted to keep in the past. Telling Deacon everything literally meant telling Deacon everything. Kris had wanted her father to meet him too but that meant the Bitch would also have to meet him. 

Kris started to pick at her stupid blouse that she had been made to wear. 

“Um, nice clothes by the way,” Deacon suddenly added. She frowned up at him which turned into a  glare when she saw the suppressed smirk that he was trying but, obviously, failing to hide. “They’re, uh, cute.” 

“You’re such a dick,” Kris bumped him with her hip. 

“Hey, don’t get huffy,” Deacon bumped her right back. A evil smirk crossed Kris’s face as she full on bumped Deacon and watched him go stumbling into a set of lockers. He looked shocked for a mere moment before turning to look at Kris with a dark look in his eyes. Uh oh, she was in for it now. 

The girl squealed as Deacon made a lunge for her and started to run down the hallways with Deacon hot on her tail. How was it that always seemed to be chasing each other around while giggling like silly love struck children? 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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