14. Before. Not B4. We speak English. Not Bingo

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 [ Copyrighted to MrsSociopath© ]

The smell of paint was thick in Deacons nose as his eyes struggled to open. His entire being felt sore and tender. He found it hard to breathe at times and he was sure he would have been in a lot more pain if it were not for the soft, comfortable material he was laying on. 

The bad boy fluttered his eyes until he had dislodged the sleep from them entirely. Then his bright gray eyes were open and looking around the room, he was in. Now that he was more awake, the smell of paint was much more prominent. He was in a white room that looked very familiar but something was different. 

There were sheets pushed up against all the walls which he had now noticed had paint splatters all over the walls. There was a bluish-green colour, what was it his mom had wanted to paint the kitchen when he was five. Teal? Yeah teal, that was it. Then mixed in with that was splashes of dark purple and black. His eyes took in the weird patterns that the splashes made. They were supposed to look messy but behind them all, he could see a make shift order behind it. 

“Well looks like Sleeping Beauty is finally awake,” hummed out a soft voice with a hard edge to it. Kris stepped into Deacons line of sight and he drank in her appearance. She was wearing a pair of grey jogging bottoms that were cut of underneath her knee and a dark blue baggy jumper than hung off her shoulders that was covered in bits of paint. Her hair was clipped back in a messy bun and a streak of purple was on her right cheek, a dot of teal on her lips. 

“Well aren’t I supposed to get a kiss for waking up?” Deacon smirked as he watched Kris narrow her eyes on him. 

“No the kiss is supposed to wake you up, since you are already awake I see no need to kiss you,” Kris smiled and turned back to look at her wall which was covered in paint splatters. Deacon moped as Kris turned away from him. 

“Fine, then I shall simply have to go back to sleep until I am kissed by my Prince Charming,” Deacon closed his eyes again and tucked his hands behind his head ignoring Kris protests that she needed him to wake up and get out. Kris glared at the boy in her bed. 

“You realize in this equation that you are the chick!?” Kris snapped hoping that Deacon would protest to being the girl in their relationship. Relationship? Where did that come from? She shook her head. “You’re also a Princess, you know like a five year old girl?!” 

Kris gave up when she realized her words were ignored and that Deacon was not going to move unless she kissed him. She breathed in deeply through her nose and exhaled through her mouth. Kris marched over to the boy, placed both of her hands on either side of his head, and leant down. Her lips were a mere centimetre from his and her eyes locked on his lips. 

She closed the space in a matter of seconds and pressed her lips gently against his as if he was made of glass. Deacons body seemed to tense up at her touch before it slowly started to relax. It took a second or two before he slowly started to kiss her back. The kiss was gentle and sweet, nothing like there previous kisses or snogging if Kris was being honest with herself. 

“Wake up Princess,” Kris hummed softly. “Enough beauty sleep.” Deacon blinked open his eyes and looked into Kris’s hazel ones. 

“Must be said you are better looking than the other Prince Charming‘s,” Deacon gave his signature smirk and Kris quirked an eyebrow. 

“How many Prince Charming’s you got in your life?” Kris asked. 

“See it might take me up to a month just to write you a list,” Deacon answered nonchalantly hoping to make the girl in front of him jealous. 

“That’s ok, I’ll just go spend some time with Adam while you’re doing all that writing,” she winked and slinked away from him like a cat that had just pissed on his brand new shoes and left him to clean up the mess. Deacon glared at the backside of Kris before he sat up in bed. 

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