3. Don't let an idiot ruin your day

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[ Copyrighted to MrsSociopath© ]

Kris ambled around the school halls look for a secretary office, back in Wales it had been near the front entrance but of course that would be too nice of the universe to let her have it easy on her first day of school. She groaned out loud and slouched against one of the nearest lockers that lined either sides of the schools hallways. Just then Hit me with your best shot by Pat Benatar blasted through her headphones and she could help but smile. It was so appropriate for what was happening right now.

Kris closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the cool metal, god how she wished he were here right now. He would’ve figured this whole place out by now and taken the entire place by storm, everyone would’ve loved him. Just like I do. She bashed her head against the locker, now was not the time to be thinking about such things.

Someone patted her shoulder and Kris groaned, she swore to God if it was that blond girl back for another round this time she would not hesitate before hitting her. She refused to let and idiot ruin her day when it had only just begun. Kris’s eyes flew open her baby blues looked deadly.

Standing in front of her was a boy with curly brown hair that seemed to defy all laws of physics and thick square glasses framing his muddy brown eyes. He was about an inch or two shorter than Kris and he wore a plain black top and bright red skinny jeans that were very tight completed with scuffed black boots. One of Kris’s eyebrow shot up as she slid off her headphones.

He blushed slightly before running his hands through his hair nervously, “Hi,” he smiled meekly. “You’re the New Girl right?” he asked.

“Have you seen me around here before?” she asked him suddenly.

“Um, no,” he answered suddenly looking confused.

“Do I look like a belong here?” Kris asked him again suddenly intrigued as to what he might say to that. Most people wouldn’t dare offend a newbie but here it could be anything.

“Um, well…no,” he stuttered out before playing with his hands. Kris looked him over, unique and truthful. She smiled and held out her hand for him to shake.

“Guess that makes me the New Girl then,” she smirked. The boy was in shock from her attitude that for a few seconds he just stood there gaping like a fish before shaking himself and grasping hold of her hand. “The names Kris by the way, not New Girl.”

“Adam,” he smiled brightly at Kris. “Come on, I’ll show you the Receptionist office,” then with a swift tug he started pulling Kris down the hallway. Kris was in shock at how fast she had made a new friend if he even wanted to be one but she wasn’t a little bit surprised by how many people she had already managed to piss off. That seemed to be her specialty.

Adam walked fast and manoeuvred through the hallways easily, he had been going to this school for ages now and he knew like he knew his own face. He admitted he was shocked when she had offered him her hand to shake and he was pleased that she let him show her around.

He knew it wouldn’t last long though, she was the New Girl. She was going to be like anew toy that all the children wanted to get there hands on before everyone else. But Kris didn’t seem to get that she was big news because she was the first new person to move into Kasper in the last fifty years, also making her the first new student that they had had in years.

Adam thought about her accent and how he couldn’t quite place it. The fact that she had even moved from another part of the USA made her even more intruding and he had to resist the urge to jump up and down like a girl because here she was holding his hand as he lead her to the front office. He definitely noticed the stares from the people in the hallway and he watched the glares he received from the boys when they noticed he was holing her hand.

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